🎸Guitar lesson🎸

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Y/N's POV:

I was playing my guitar, trying to practice Wanted Dead or Alive. And I was fucking up!

"Ah! Fuck!" I yelled and in came my boyfriend Richie
"What's wrong?" He laughed
"I can't play Wanted Dead or Alive! I'm fucking up!"
"I can teach you, baby" he smiled
"Oh thank God! Are you sure though?"
"Of course! I'm never busy to help you, beautiful"
"Thank you babe"
"My pleasure. Come sit on my lap and sit your guitar on the lap"
I did what I was told and we began the lesson.

2 hours later

"See baby! You did great!"
"You think?"
"I know" he kissed me
"Thank you for teaching me, baby"
"Sure thing, bubs. You did cause a lil problem though..."
"Did I?" I smirked, feeling his boner against me
"Mmhmm" Richie groaned
"I think I know how to get rid of it" I giggled, making Richie smirk

Hope you enjoyed!!!
Pls send in requests!!
I've got a request I was supposed to do and I completely forgot!!! I'll get to it ASAP!!!

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