😳The 'talk'😳

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For WestHamBabe. Enjoy :)

Your dress

Richie's outfit

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Richie's outfit

Richie's outfit

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Like I said...won't be perfect but I'll do my best😄👍 enjoy

Y/N's POV:

Today was the day I'd marry the love of my life. I was really happy that I was jumping from excitement.

Jon came to fetch me from one of the rooms and took me to the church room were everyone was waiting. But then we saw my dad and mom standing in front of the door.

"Hey mom, dad. Something wrong?" I asked
"Honey we need to talk" my dad said
"Right now?"
"Yes right now" my mom said
"Jon, would you excuse us?" My dad asked
"Oh yeah...of course" Jon said, he gave me a small smile then walked into the church and closed the doors

"So what's up?" I asked
"Well sweetie. We think you're not ready for marriage" my dad said
"What? Why?"
"Well dear, you're too young and you need to complete your studies" my mom suggested
"Mom I completed them a year ago! I'm a doctor now"
"Yes dear we know that but-"
"Wait wait, hold on. Are you saying this because you don't want me leaving you guys?" I looked at them suspiciously
They looked shocked
"Oh dear! She caught on to us" my dad face palmed himself
"Aaww! You guys" I pulled them into a hug
"I'll never leave you guys...you're my parents and I promise that I will definitely come and visit"
"How can we be soo sure you won't forget us?" My mom asked tearing up
"Ugh mom"
I pulled her into a hug
"You and dad raised me. How can I forget the people who raised me?"
My dad teared up and pulled us into a hug

"I guess it's time to let our little girl go dear" my dad told my mom
"I guess so"
They pulled me into one last group hug and my mom opened the door. My dad and I walked down the aisle and made it to Richie. I smiled at him

"What happened back there?" He asked
"I'll tell you later" I winked

We said our vows then the priest announced us husband and wife.

Richie pulled me down and kissed me. The church was full of our friends and family, they cheered us on.

That was the happiest day of my life

Hope you enjoyed it! It wasn't perfect but if you'd like me to write again, I'll do it :-)

Don't forget to request!!

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