Chapter 61: The Darkness Comes

Start from the beginning

Portal from The First Realm opens up above the Monastery. Firstbourne flies out and crashes below the Monastery. Everyone runs down the steps. Wu reaches Firstbourne, comforting her. Firstbourne opens her talons. Faith falls out.

"Oh my gosh! Faith!" Nya and Jay run up to her

"...who" Aria mumbles to herself

Wu rests Faith on his arm "Faith, what happened? Who did this?" Faith whispers into his ear.

"What did she say?" Jay asked

"She said, "a darkness is coming." Wu tells them


The Destiny's Bounty is back. All Ninja are waiting outside for news on Faith. Master Wu opens the door.

"How is she?" Lloyd asked

Master Wu closes the door "I've given her a powerful healing potion. She will recover, as will Firstbourne. It will take time."

"Did she say what happened?" Cole questioned

Wu makes tea "She said a darkness swept over the Realm of Oni and Dragon. She tried to resist it, but it grew and grew, consuming all in its path. Those who were touched by it were frozen, where they stood like statues"

"I was at Kryptarium Prison, visiting my father. He said something similar. He said "the darkness is coming." Lloyd informed them

"But what is it? What is the darkness?" Aria asked "It's not me, I've been here"

Master Wu turns to Lloyd "What else did he say?"

"Something about the bringers of doom" Lloyd replies

"Bringers of doom" Wu Grabs book in the Monastery and flips through pages "There. That's it"

"I don't like the look of that" Cole said looking at the picture

"Oh. Me neither" Kai agreed "What is it?"

Aria looked at the picture and gasped "It's an Oni"

"Yes, my father called them The Bringers of Doom. He feared that they would one day spread out from their realm and cover all the lands of creation in darkness" Wu tells them

Jay laughs "That's a crazy legend" he continues laughing "Good thing it's just a legend, right?"

"Many legends begin in truth. And if there is any truth to this, we must prepare" Wu says

"How?" Lloyd asked

"We must warn Ninjago City. There isn't a moment to lose" Wu runs out. 

The Ninja except Lloyd and Aria follow.

Cole: Good thing we have the Bounty back.

Lloyd stares at the Oni on the page "The Bringers of Doom" He looks at Aria "You're an Oni aren't you?"

"My mother and father were both Oni's, so yes I'm a pure blood Oni" Aria replied "Why?"

"Nothing" Lloyd says and runs out to join the others.


The Ninja are exploring Destiny's Bounty.

"Let's see what she's capable of. Full speed ahead" Aria ordered happily

Zane pulls up the switch. Thrusters turn backwards. Ninja yell in surprise. Zane turns off the switch.

"What was that?" Nya asked

"Forwards, Zane. Not backwards" Aria says

Zane pulls off the sticker "Someone must have wired the lever wrong" He puts the sticker down the right way and pulls down the lever. The Bounty speeds off.

Destiny's Bounty is flying towards Ninjago City.

"Uh, guys. I'm picking up a lot of distress calls on UHF" Zane announces

"Oh no" Aria says

"Maximum speed!" Lloyd shouts

"Hold on, everyone" Nya hits a button. Rusters slowly power up "Come on you, unhinged ship. Mmph!" She kicks the engine. Rusters boost up to its maximum speed.

The ninja see darkness all over the city ,they see the commissioner and some police officers cornered in the darkness, they drop down a ladder and ropes.

Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Aria and Lloyd slide down the ropes

"Commissioner, get your officers out of here" Lloyd passes them the ladder.

"You heard it. Move it!" Policemen and Commissioner climb the ladder.

"Okay, let's see what this is made of" Lloyd says "Care to do the honors, Jay?"

"My pleasure. Lightning!" Jay strikes lightning at the darkness. Darkness absorbs the lightning.

"Uh, heh. Let's see how it likes fire. Fire!" Kai strikes darkness with fire. Darkness absorbs the fire "What?!"

"Okay, everybody at the same time." Lloyd orders

Everyone strikes the darkness with their powers. Darkness absorbs all the ninja's powers while Aria's combines with it making it stronger

"ok Aria don't do anything" Lloyd said taking her hands

"What do we do?" Kai questions

"Nya, get us out of here" Lloyd commands

"You got it!" Nya answers

All the Ninja jump up on the ropes and ladder, with Cole being last on his rope.

Darkness grabs Cole "Wha—ah. Uh, guys" Struggles to hold the rope "Help! It's got me!" Darkness drags him down Ahh!!!"

Lloyd lets go of his rope and jumps down towards Cole. 

"Lloyd!" Aria shouts

Lloyd pulls out his sword in midair as the Oni prepares to turn Cole to stone.

Lloyd lands and cuts the darkness. Oni roars in pain "Come on, buddy. I got ya. Time to get out of here" they grabs the rope "Reel in, quick!" Aria and Nya help Lloyd and Cole up "We need to go save some more people"


Lloyd and Aria stare sadly at the corrupted city. Nya, Kai, Jay, and Zane join up with him.

"We hit it with everything we had, and it did nothing. It just went right through it" Lloyd says

Cole joins up with the other Ninja.

"How are we supposed to fight something like that?" Nya asks

Cole shivers "I-I touched it. It was colder than anything I've ever felt. And there was something inside the cloud. I think it was an Oni"

"Maybe we can't fight it, but I know someone who might know how" Lloyd said

Nya looks at Kai confused, who shrugs in reply.


The Ninja arrive at Garmadon's jail cell.

Garmadon looks at them "Well, well. Look who's back."

"How do we stop it?" Lloyd asks

Garmadon brushes his table "You can't. If you were to enter the darkness, you would succumb to it. The only way to defeat an Oni is with another Oni. You need me"

Jay laughs "Ha, ha, ha. Like that's gonna happen. Ha, ha. That's not gonna happen, is it?"

"What choice do we have? Open Cell One!" Lloyd shouts and the cell lifts up slowly.

"Hahahahaha. Mmhahahaha" Garmadon laughs evilly as Aria's eyes glow purple

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