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Chapter 12:

   Anakin and Obi-Wan are in the shallows of Coruscant in search Dooku's Former Apprentice and Hit man: Asajj Ventress.

“Master, are you sure Ventress can help us ?” asked Anakin.

   “Yes, I think so. Having been betrayed by Dooku she may want to take revenge.” he replied.

“But if she's not, I can make her speak !” he replied with a somber look.

     Obi-Wan, worried about the somber glance cast by his former Apprentice, although all people are capable of good and evil, each with their share of shade, but Anakin more than anyone, especially when a person who dear to him was targeted, he never hesitates to do what needs to be done, thus calling for torture and violence. “Anakin, calm down ! Control your emotions, they betray you, It won't help Ahsoka !” he addressed to him.

    “On the contrary, the only thing that can help Ahsoka and the twins to rebuild is that we find this sith junk !” he replied, staring at him.

   “Anakin ...” he raised his hand to cut it. “I know, Revenge is not the Jedi Way ! This is not revenge, it is justice !” he replied.

   He nodded in response. “Anyway being outside of Dooku's influence changed her. She is not Jedi, of course, but she is not a Sith either ! She is no longer the same person when we met for the first time on Christophsis !” replied Obi-Wan. The recent memory of the Jedi Master and Ventress fighting side by side against the two Dathomirian Sith crossed his mind.

Anakin saw that he was lost in thought. “What's in your mind ?” he asked him.

   “That Ventress once saved my life, Master Adi Gallia and I were on Florrum to arrest Maul and Savage Opress her brother. While I was fighting against Maul, Master Gallia she was against Savage, but she did not survive ! I thought, I was going to pass away, but she intervened and helped me escape !” He finished telling him.

“Indeed, Master Kenobi, you are still indebted to me !” Ventress pointed out to him as he emerged from the darkness and presented herself in front of them.

“Hello, Ventress.” greeted Obi-Wan.

“Hello, Kenobi, Skywalker !” Greeted them Ventress.

“Ventress !” greeted Anakin.

“What can I do for you ?” she asks them.

  “Ahsoka was raped and then impregnated by a Sith.” Obi-Wan tells her.

Ventress seemed shocked by the Jedi revelations. It's not that she liked Kenobi, Skywalker and his Pet, very much, who serves as an Apprentice. “Do you want to find Dooku ?” she asks them.

   “No, We are looking for his Master !” demanded Anakin.

“Ah ! You are looking for Dark Sidious ?” she asked them.

“Yes, do you know who it is ?” Obi-Wan asked her.

“No, but all I know is that he controlled the Jedi.” she revealed to them.

“Can you develop ?” Required Anakin.

“No, I regret.”

“You know more than you say ! Go on then, Spit it out !”

   “Even if I knew something which I don't ! Why should I tell you ?”

“I can make you talk !” Said Chosen One threatening.

   Before she could answer, she felt like she was choking because she felt pressure close around her throat.

“TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW !” He growls.

   “Anakin !” Obi-Wan scolded, his eyes widening as he grabbed his hand, but he ignored it. “Let her go, It won't help Ahsoka !” at his words, he released her, and she collapsed on the ground, holding her throat while coughing to catch her breath and got up with difficulty.

The silence became heavy and minute by minute, Anakin became more and more irritated by clenching his fist, Obi-Wan could feel it and decided to intervene before he finally gave in to Darkness again.

  “Ventress, Tell us what you know.” Said Obi-Wan.

“And what do I gain from all of this ?”

“Life saves !” Said Anakin, threatening by clenching his fist.

  “Anakin !” Obi-Wan scolded before turning to her. “What do you want Ventress ?”

“Being released for my past crimes committed as a Dooku's hit man !” she asks them.

“Allowed !” Obi-Wan said to her.

“NOW, TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW !” Anakin bellows.

  Ventress sighed. “What else can I tell you ?” She said, thinking. “That he is the master of Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus (Dooku).”

“WE ALREADY KNOW THAT !” Anakin growled.

   She ignores him and continues. “That Sidious has been hiding under the Jedi's nose for years and that he is extremely manipulative ! Controlling both the Separatists and the Republic, he makes sure to make the Clone Wars last, thus allowing him to increase his hand on the Galaxy and the Senate. That's all I know. Dooku didn't trust me, I don't know his plan !”

Anakin and Obi-Wan look at each other and seem genuinely shocked by what Ventress had just revealed to them. Could the Clone Wars be a masquerade ? But by whom and why ?

  They leave Ventress and head towards the Medical Bay found Ahsoka and Padmé.


      Returned to their speeder, en route to the Medical Bay. Obi-Wan could not help worrying about Anakin he knew his penchant for Darkness and despite his training he was not able to calm her down, he is still obtuse and not inclined to balance however he has noticed that since Ahsoka had appeared in their lives, for some obscure and indeterminate reason, he seemed calmer and more composed with much better control over himself.

He had already seen him sink and appeal to his darkest tendencies, but he had never felt so much anger and hatred. But against whom is this directed ? Ventress ? Himself for failing to protect Ahsoka ?

  “Anakin, do you want us to talk about what just happened ?”

“No. It's useless ! There is nothing to add !”

“You almost killed her !”

    Anakin laughs bitterly. “She's alive, isn't she ? ... And even if she were
... She wouldn't have weighed heavily on my conscience”.

“Anakin, I understand your rage and your anger, but it won't help Ahsoka ! Calm down !”

     Anakin sighed and nodded before declaring. “Do you believe it ? ... That the Clone Wars is only a masquerade ? A way for Sidious to keep hold of the Senate and to be able to lead the front of the Two Sides ?”

“I don't know, Anakin.” He said after a moment of reflection.

“Are you going to talk to the Council about it ?”

“I don't know, Anakin.”

   “You know as well as I do that they will want evidence ! They will not believe it ! The Republic would have time to fall before they do something !” He said sarcastically.

Obi-Wan sighed and admitted. “Only what they need to know, for the rest is Uncertain ! I will tell them when time comes.”

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