Chapter Veintiseis

Comincia dall'inizio

"Yeah well we think a lot of things. Example, we all thought you'd be a virgin forever but look at us now," Courtney winked.

"Oh shut up, or I'll make you," Shayne retorted, running a finger up her arm.

"Yeah right, I'd like to see you tr-" and it was his turn to press his lips to hers.

Except this time neither of them pulled away. She slowly lowered herself to lay on the bed, and he placed one hand at either side of her. They were making out for a few minutes before Shayne's phone rang. He pulled away and hung his head for a second, before getting up to answer the call.

"Hey Damien, you really pick your times don't you," Shayne laughed.

"I do?" Damien asked confused.

"Erm, by that I mean I was... about to get in the shower," he replied hesitantly, Courtney rolling her eyes as she shakily hopped out of bed to collect her clothes from around the room, her legs hurting a little.

"Oh sorry, I just wondered if you have my headphones?"

Shayne was talking to Damien for a quarter of an hour, and in that time Courtney had slipped into one of her new boyfriend's hoodies, found a notepad and pen and had started drafting some 'relationship rules'.

"Sorry about that," Shayne smiled, wandering into his living room, now wearing a pair of jeans but still shirtless.

"It's ok, it's given me time to right down the rules," Courtney replied, eyes running quickly over the words on her page.

"You're hot." he stated, smirking slightly.

"Excuse me," she giggled.

"You are really fucking hot," he smirked, wandering to sit down next to her.

"Why thank you Mr. Toppless," she grinned, positioning her self on Shayne's lap so her legs stretched out onto the rest of the couch.

"There's two p's,"

"I know. Now for the rules. Rule Number 1, no telling anybody, at all, not Damien or Olivia, not your brothers or my siblings, no one can know. Rule Number 2, we have to have clothes at each other's places in case we stay over on a work night, and we have to take our own cars to work, so no one gets suspicious. Rule Number 3, probably the hardest to follow," she sighed. "PDA at the office. Very very limited, like no more toucheez than usual, and we can only kiss if we know for sure that no one else is anywhere near by, or the door is locked. You got it? Cos this shit is serious, Shayne."

"I've got it, every single word. And I know it's serious, we're gonna be lying to everyone, but it's worth it, you're worth," he assured her.

"I'm worth it?" she quipped, throwing the notepad and pen onto the coffee table.

"Just like L'Oréal," he booped her nose.

"Who the hell is L'Oréal? Are you cheating on me already? Are you fucking a bottle of conditioner?" she joked, sliding off of his lap onto a cushion, her legs still over his.

"No, no no no. I drank a bottle of shampoo," he mumbled.

"You're really committed aren't y- wait, you drank a bottle of shampoo?" she laughed.

"What no, I'm not farting bubbles you are," he retorted, carrying on the reference for as long as he could.

"Oh my goodness we're weird, but perfect for each other. Maybe we could actually make tequila steam one day," she sighed, trying to picture how it'd go.

"Ooh, that'd be so fun but also probably dangerous, and you're not being put in danger under my watch," he warned her, fake frowning.

"You're not wearing a watch, but I'll be fine, I can take care of myself," she reasoned.

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