Chapter 2

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I couldn't sleep that night.

It was no surprise to me really, especially since I had spent the majority of the day staring into nothing, shell shocked.

I was going to be someone's father.

Yet it had been only a day, I loved this unborn child fiercely. To me it seemed obvious that she hasn't been pregnant for too long, otherwise I'd have noticed.

At least I had confidence I would have noticed.

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose, growing impatient. And for something quite silly. The baby would not grow faster because of my complaints. Yet I still couldn't possibly wait another nine months to hold my baby in my arms. The idea of fatherhood was deliciously tempting, and waiting for so long..seemed terribly hard to resist for nine more months.

"Loki, are you okay?" Layla's voice snapped me out of my daze. I smiled up at her from where I was sitting as she placed her hand on mine. I adored the comfort her rich brown eyes brought me, reminding me of chocolate and warm tea.

" quite worried about whether or not I am to be a good father for our child, dearest." It wasn't even a month into this journey and I was already distressing whether or not I would be a good or bad father for this child. Whether or not my mother and father would accept this child as my heir. And whether or not Thor would be gentle enough with said child. "And I am also worried about-" I cut myself off.

"About what, darling?" She cooed, her gentle voice melting me like butter. I shook my head.

"Nothing for you to worry about, my darling. You have indulged me enough by listening to the extent of my worries. Come, come, let us get you to bed. You need sleep for two now." I smiled at her and gently kissed her goodnight. After she had climbed into our shared bed, and the door was closed, I stormed to the living room, angry at myself.

I felt like an idiot, while I loved her fiercely, I hid only one part of myself from her. A terrible, hideous part of me.

And I had gotten so close to telling her. Too close.

Too close to telling her that while I was raised in Asgard as one of them, a terrible secret was kept from me.

Too close to telling her that I was not only Asgardian, but a Frost Giant. I had let myself get so distraught and unorganized inside my head that I nearly let the truth about my heritage slip.

And telling her I was a descendant of terrible horrid monsters...the idea was terrifying. It formed a deep pit in my stomach.

Nobody could love that part of me, the disgusting monster, that ugly terrible creature that was me.

Yet a small voice inside me asked, would that baby inherit the part of me that I so despised. Would that baby have the same blue skin I have? Would they have the ruby red eyes that were so rich it was akin to wine? Small intricate lines decorating their skin?

Part of me dreaded passing this on to a child, but a secret part of me wondered...

I was conflicted.

A part of me that longed to see a child of true, a part that so desperately wanted to have this one small thing just for me and my child.

My child.

What an odd thing to say. My child. I smiled to myself and chuckled as I looked down. I suppose I had better get used to it.

The next few months went by quicker then I could possibly imagine, from weeks to months to terms and soon enough we were days away from the due date.

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