"Band meeting!" Christina calls out, so we all make our way around the living room. Alexandria puts down her phone as I sit down next to her. We all start talking, but all I can think about is the empty shell sitting next to me. She's barely said a word all day, I don't know if she's even smiled. Okay, I'm officially worried. 

Lisa's pov 

Something's up. I'm not an idiot. But I think I'm just gonna see where this one goes than immediately intervene. 

Christina starts talking, and I see Alexandria starting to drift off into la la land, so I elbow her. 

"Ow. Thanks." She winces. I nod and seem to look back at Chris, but I can no longer focus. 

Dani's pov 

I see it. I know what might be about to go down. We can't leave her alone. It's too risky. Chris ends the meeting and we go about our day as normal. Well, mostly normal. You can tell everyone notices but nobody wants to say anything about Alexandria. We all gather in the living room after dinner- that Alexandria only ate two bites of, then ran off to the bathroom- and start talking. It's eight by the time I realize that Alexandria is gone, and I have no idea where she is or how long she's been there. I jump up and everyone looks at me. 

"Alexandria's gone!" I exclaim and they all look mildly worried but don't understand. I roll my eyes and run up to her room. 

Alexandria's pov

I went to the bathroom during dinner and threw up. I can't take this. I'm ending it before anyone is too attached. Maybe Lauren will never know how I feel about her, but it's probably for the better anyway. I sneak up to my room and lock the door, then start writing and hope nobody notices I'm gone. 

Dear Cimorelli's,

        I'm sorry. This wasn't your fault, it started way before I ever met you. Really, this is better for all of us You don't have to pretend to care anymore (it's okay, everyone does that), and I don't have to live. Win, win. I'm sorry it had to be this way though. You guys are my idols, and I hate that I couldn't be good enough for you. I'm sorry for staying up too late, and waking up too late, and being too loud, and basically everything else. I didn't wanna taint y'all's house, so I'm not doing it here. Hopefully, by the time you see this, I'll be long gone and our troubles will be over. If I'm not already found by then, I wanted to see the sunset one last time. That's where I am. I really am sorry, but I'm running out of time before the sunset is over. None of this is your fault. I love you, goodbye. 

I set the pencil down and fold up the paper. I write their names on the outside, then check the time. six-thirty p.m. I've got time to see the sunset. I grab my phone but turn the ringers off, then quickly and quietly climb out my window and drop to the ground. It kinda hurt, but whatever. I look around, then take off running. 

Katherine's pov

Dani went running up to check on Alexandria. I guess I am a little worried, she's seemed so out of it lately. 

"What was up with Dani?" I ask Lauren. 

"No idea, she seemed scared though." 

"Yeah, almost like she thought-" I'm cut off by a chilling scream. I feel my blood run clod, and jump up and run upstairs, the other girls close behind. 

"No. No no no no no. No! Oh God! God, please, no! God! Holy... aghh!" I hear Dani yelling. I'm getting a really bad feeling. We bust into Alexandria's room and see no Alexandria. Dani in on the floor next to an open window, reading a note. I have a really bad feeling now. 

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