Childs play

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"Fugo.. do you know where Giorno went?"
"No why Y/n?"
"I wanted to see him, I'm bored."
"Giorno is very busy with business, he has no time to play with you."
"Then you play with me Fugo, your just doing a dumb crossword puzzle."
"It is not dumb! And no I don't want to play with you. Ask Mista.. he seems fond of you."— Fugo chuckled.

You got up and flicked his shoulder before running off to Mista's room, there he was sitting listening to some music as he cleaned his pistol with care, Sex Pistols were playing around with the bullets on the bed making a small ruckus. You knocked on the door and leaned against his door frame,

"Yeah? What do ya wan- oh Y/n.. come in."

You giggled as you stepped into the room shutting the door behind you, Mista nervously kept his eyes on this gun while you kneeled at his side watching him work. You picked up a bullet and studied the golden piece, Sex Pistols all hid behind a small box on the bed as they all watched you with their beady eyes, you placed the item down and creased Mista's lap, he tensed up and looked over at you.

"Uh.. did you need something..?"
"Sorry I hope I'm not bothering you, Fugo didn't wanna play with me and Giorno is too busy, perhaps you'd like to go play?"
"Play? Okay what game?"
"Mmm. Oh how about Truth or Dare!"
"Okay, I'll go first. Truth or dare?"

You sat on his bed crossing your legs and you stopped and thought for a second.

"I dare you to... go and take Fugo's glasses"— Mista said with a smirk.

You sprang up and ran to the kitchen where Fugo was sitting eating an orange while finishing his puzzle, Mista encouraged you to continue as you approached the man in the chair you snaked around and snatched his glasses clean off and ran leading him into a chase.  He managed to grab your waist and pull you towards him. "You child! Don't take things that aren't yours! As for you Mista don't include me in your little games." Mista picked you up and took you back into his room, the two of you giggled so loud that Bruno stepped in checking on you both.

"Is everything alright Mista? I heard some hyenas in here."
"Oh Bucciarati your hair is so pretty!"— you pointed out at his half up hair style.
"Grazie Mia Farfalla! I did it myself, you hungry?"
"No no thank you.."— his nickname struck your heart a bit in a sad way.
"Okay well you two don't get into trouble, Abba said to keep it down a bit, old man has a headache."

As he left you and Mista sat in uncomfortable silence, he looked around and cleared his throat.

"So do you want to continue?"
"Yeah, Truth or dare Mista?"
"Dare, I'm not a wimp!"
"Ha, keep that energy. I dare you to kiss me Mista."— you said as you tilted your head towards him.
"Y-you want me to what?"
"Kiss me.. for 5 seconds!"

He leaned back as he tried to hide his flustered face, you crawled up to his lap and sat there waiting for him to turn around again, as he turned you grabbed his hat and stared in awh at his curly hair, he didn't do anything he only looked at your face as you leaned in and kissed Mista, your hand travelled in his soft hair, his music kept playing as the small dare turned into a make out session, he laid back as you fell onto his chest while his hands were placed on your back, his touch was soft and his lips we're passionately warm, as you lifted your head his eyes were star struck,

"Why did you do that?"
"I dunno.. I-"— as you stopped speaking you pulled him up and got off of his bed, in stepped Giorno.

"Y/n, I heard you were looking for me. I'm here."
"Gio!"— you jumped into his arms as he lifted you up.
"Coming with? Mia cara."
"Mmh! Bye Mista."

Closer to You.                                          Giorno Giovanna x readerWhere stories live. Discover now