Catching up

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"G-Giorno Giovanna.. is that you?"

"Yes it's me.. it's been such a long time since I've seen you."

"Yea I know, how have you been?"

"Let not talk here. Care to join me for some coffee?"



Giorno dusted off his suit and picked up his phone, you adjusted your dress and walked beside Giorno in silence, you guessed he was saving the Conversation for coffee time. After a few minutes of walking a black Mercedes picked the both of you up, in the drivers seat was a man with an extremely short bob hair cut with a white spotted suit and in the passenger was a tall man with long lavender hair and a black dress like shirt both revealing their chests.


"Y/n, these are my trusted bodyguards, Bruno bucciarati, and Leone Abbacchio.— you said a small hello.

"Anywhere specific boss?"

"Head to my favorite café shop please."

"So your name is Y/n. Have we seen you here before?"— Abbacchio stated

"Oh don't listen to him my dear.. he's just cranky that's all."


After the awkward car ride, Giorno and you entered this marvelous fancy café which seemed odd to be so big for a small place for coffee yet he was a Capo, he deserved the best of the best. He asked for a secret room that way the two of you could be alone where no one else would watch or listen to you, as you two waited for the seating, from the corner of your eyes you saw someone take a picture of Giorno and you, you decided to ignore it since you didn't want any confrontation with the boss himself. Before any of you sat down you both excused yourselves to the restroom to wash up.


{Y/n's POV}

"Okay, you can do this.. just think of conversations that would interest him. What am I even saying? He's a Capo and I'm noting more than a useless girl living with one of his maids off to the side of his grand palace. But if I haven't been there.. Giorno would have surely perished. I washed my hands and dried them with a paper towel, looking into the mirror I fixed my hair and bodycon dress before leaving I quickly grabbed my purse and brushed my teeth just Incase. As I walked out I saw him sitting there reading a menu, the way his hair fell messily and freely it made me want to touch it, his long dark lashes along with his breath taking eyes made my stomach do a small flip, but why? I don't even know this man, surely he gave me daisies when we were eight but it's been years, Surely he has a girlfriend or whatever. Don't catch feelings Y/n. Feelings are bad."


"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting."— you flashed him a white smile.

"Nonsense, you look gorgeous, please take a look at the menu and order what your heart desires."

"Thank you."— a few moments pass and a waitress comes by and takes your orders.

Closer to You.                                          Giorno Giovanna x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon