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{Y/n POV}

I didn't really understand what was happening, last night was pretty hazy and I can't tell where I am exactly, I couldn't open my eyes yet I knew I was in a bed and there was another person beside me a male to be precise. I didn't have any energy to get up not even to open my eyes, but something felt odd I feel as if someone is watching me as a sleep! Could it be the other person? Is it Giorno? Or am I kidnapped? Please wake up..

It was about 12:30 in the afternoon, you were still laying in bed until you felt some shifting around from the opposite side, the scent was different and the texture of the bedding was more like a giant comforter on top of you, this clearly wasn't Giorno's bed. You finally where able to open your eyes snapping you out from the deep sleep Juliet's Kiss put you under, you looked over and saw Bucciarati peacefully sleeping, his chest was slowly rising and falling and he was slightly snoring. As you sat up you stretched upwards to the ceiling and gently yawned until a strange, strong vine came from a different direction and wrapped around your body and mouth dragging you out of Bruno's safe room and back into Giorno's cold, lonesome room. Giorno was sitting at the end of his bed with his elbows on his knees staring at you, slowly getting up from the harshness of the incident, as you got up Giorno stood up and crazily looking into your eyes while holding onto your shoulders, you felt a deep feeling shatter inside you, this was all too familiar, the feeling of fear was registering.

"Y/n... Please, d-don't leave me.. I'm so sorry."
"Giorno what a-are you doing..? Please let me go."
"No you don't understand.. please I'm sorry! — he got really close to your face making the vodka incredibly noticeable.
"Giorno it's okay.. let's just go to sleep okay.. I'll stay by your side okay?"
"Please I'm sorry.."— his words stared stirring together.

You took his soft hands and lead him into his royal red silk sheets, he laid down and turned facing you, nervously fidgeting with a couple strands of his golden hair. You looked into his turquoise eyes and couldn't help to feel sorry for him, they way he was around you, he was a completely different person, he's soft, vulnerable, delicate and mostly fragile. The great Giorno Giovanna would never want to be held out in public, nor would he soften his voice/touch for someone out in the streets, this deeply saddened you by heart, you reached over and softly stroked his cheek, careful not to cause any sudden stand activations. His face softened up and he simply enjoyed the feeling of being touched ever so slightly, soon the two of you dozed off into the middle of the afternoon.

"grande idiota! How many times did I tell you not to eat while studying Narancia! Now you ruined the textbook."
"Neh, sorry Fugo I didn't really mean it."

"Hey has anyone seen Y/n? She disappeared from my room."
"No, Giorno hasn't even came out yet. I'm sure they'll come out once they smell lunch being prepared."— Leone exclaimed to Bruno.
"What do you think we'll do? She obviously has a stand, and she's terrified of using it.."
"Well for right now we just try to calm her down and probably show her the basics of a normal functioning stand. Who knows what that thing could do to us."— the Pale man said as he continued cooking, Bucciarati continued to sip his ice tea with a worrisome smile.

The smell from the kitchen started to become stronger, the tangy smell of cooked chicken and cheese made your stomach grumble, as you tried to get up Giorno had a tightened his grip around your waist, holding you down to the bed. You slightly moved his hand until the door to his room was opened revealing Abbacchio standing in the door way. He somewhat gave you a disgusted look and trotted over to the curtains drawing them back exposing the room so the sunlight can intrude, he accidentally kicked over the empty alcoholic bottles over and hissed at the sight.

"Did you do this?"
"Do what?"— you snapped back harshly
"These bottles? You drinking with Giorno?"
"No as a matter of fact he dragged me in this fucking room with some sort of plant. Don't blame me for something when you don't even know what's going on."
"Tsk, you have some nerve talking to me like that little girl."— he snarled

You pushed Giorno's arm off you causing him to wake up, you shot up at Abbacchio ready to snap, "I didn't ask to be targeted by whoever did this to me! I just wanted to see an old friend and your acting as if I did something so wrong! You Leone Abbacchio, are a bitter man." You hopped out of bed fighting back some tears and pushing through the other guys trying to find your new room. Giorno sat up having the sheets simply fall off his muscular frame, he looked at Abbacchio and then at the rest of the group the turning to face Abbacchio again.

"What did you do?.."
"Nothing I asked her a question."
"In such a harsh tone? Why? She has a point Leone. You are bitter."— he looked a bit taken back.— "Let's not forget who's in charge here. She is a guest in this household so I except nothing but kindness towards her! Abbacchio. Your on patrol for this evening."

{Y/n POV}

I didn't expect to cry and lash out on him, I was just in a bad mood with Giorno's actions and with all this new Stand powers and what not. I found the room I'm staying in, it's just down the hall away from everyone really. There was a queen sized bed in the middle, a bookshelf, a dresser and a beautiful white vanity, there were two more doors, one was a walk in closet and the other was a stunning bathroom. As I was admiring the bathroom I heard a hard knock on my door then it shut, leaning on the door was Giorno his demeanor seemed a bit menacing.

"I'm sorry about Abbacchio, he shouldn't have treated you like that; and neither should have I. I'm sorry as well Y/n."
"Sigh, it's fine we all make mistakes, what brings you by?"
"Oh just this letter, Eliza moved away to be with her family, she stopped by this morning while you were sleeping."
"Oh. That's a-shame, I'd love to tell her thank you for caring for me. I'll write her back some other time."

He walked over to the closet and checked it out, there was all your clothing and other belongings, on the side was a brand new comforter with sheets and some towels and on the floor were three boxes labeled with bathroom essentials and cosmetics along with undergarments. "Well I suppose the butlers already finished the job, I'll let you settle in, oh also; lunch is ready. Come out and grab a bite."
"Mm, will do.. could you come here really quick?"
Giorno looked over his shoulder before reaching the door knob, he displayed confusion to the demand you asked him but he did as you asked. Since he was taller than you, you kneeled at the end of the bed and reached out to hug him, he didn't move nor did he flinch, it took him a second to process the interaction.

He returned the hug and then did something surprising, he gently pinned you down on the naked bed and gave you a sweet small kiss, you didn't accept it yet you didn't deny it either, there was a swarm of butterflies violently fluttering asking to be let out. You pulled away from him looking into his beautiful greenish eyes, they looked different for this time they were gleaming with joy, you didn't know weather you liked it or not but right now you were second guessing his actions. Giorno got up and rushed to the door not turning back to look at you.

"What am I getting myself into..?"



Closer to You.                                          Giorno Giovanna x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora