Chapter 18

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AN: Okay do, I revised chapters 1-17. So, it should now flow slightly better! Also fixed some sentence structure and spelling. It's not massive changes, but enough to make this story a bit better quality. Also, some minor scene change. Like their hideout is no longer ghetto.

Feed me comments and votes. They are my substances xD

Do not own Naruto.


Fuzzy words, and a distant thud roused her. Did she fall asleep watching a video on her laptop? She shifted, her hand going to rest under her cheek. Why was her pillow so hard? And warm? She squeezed, her nose scrunching. There was also an unfamiliar smell. It smelled like the men's cologne Naruto wore for a date last year. Why was the smell on her pillow? Did he accidently spray it on her at some point? No, he refused to wear it after his date failed.

Then she felt a warm hand on her head, making her eyebrow scrunch. Was Naruto over? Or Sasuke? The hand stroked her hair, and she grunted in response, burring her face into her pillow. A low rumbling chuckle that did not belong to her friends woke her up instantly. She was up, her eyes wide as she stared at the source of the chuckle. It was Pein. His pale lips were turned up ever so slightly at the corners in a grin. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she pieced together the previous events. The smell, the pets, the warmth. She buried her face into her hands, screaming internally as her face continued to heat.

How did her life come to this?

Was there a way out?

She had her head resting on Pein's lap! She screamed internally more as she fought to calm herself.

She could feel eyes on her.

It wasn't helping.

She took breaths, small at first, before slowly being able to take full ones.

"You know with some rabbits, you have to wait until they become calm again before petting." She felt a hand on her head again, but this time she only slightly screamed internally. Slowly she let her hands fall from her face, the heat in her face letting her know her blush had not died down yet.

Pein had his hand resting on her head, a look of endearment on his pierced face. She swayed, her head light.

"You know, she isn't a fucking rabbit right?" Hidan was on another couch not far from them, his nose in a book. He was reading? The bright orange book... She knew that book because of Naruto! He was reading Icha Icha Paradise in public? His purple eyes peeked from over the book, and she blushed harder when he raised an eyebrow. She quickly looked away, eyes taking in her surroundings to distract herself from Hidan's gaze and Pein's hand.

It seemed they were currently in a living room, with a large TV where Tobi and Deidara sat playing a game. Sasori was in the corner carving something, woodchips on the floor all around him. Konan was on the couch opposite of them, creating origami with the paper that took up the rest of the sitting space. On a loveseat closest to them, sat Itachi and Kisame.

Where was Kakuzu? Zetsu? She was sure Kakuzu would be fuming! After he blocked her in the washroom, threatening her to stay away, and somehow she still ended up in this situation.

"Well, Hinata," An arm was wrapped around her shoulder, making her squeak when she was pulled against a hard body. What was the world record for blushing? She was sure she just broke it. Was this really the leader of the fearsome Akatsuki?

She felt eyes bore into her, the gaze hot, yet sending shivers down her spine. She turned to look at the source, her lips parting in surprise when she watched Itachi look away. She knew that look. It was the Uchiha pout.

But... Why?

She stayed still as possible, careful to not anger Pein.

She seen him burst before. At school. Someone stepped on his shoe, so he beat them near half to death. The boy was in the ICU for weeks.

Yet here he was, holding her against his side.

She felt like she was frozen in the spot for hours. The other members chatted amongst each other, and the tv played game music.

How long passed? Hours? Minutes?

What time was it? What if Naruto or Sasuke text her? Worst yet, her father? Her chest clenched at the idea of missing her father's text. She didn't tell him she was going to be late from school, he was probably going to yell at her, maybe hit her. That is, if she survived this.

Oh god.

She gripped her hands together tight, her breaths becoming shallow once again. Would they allow her to check her phone? Would they hit her for it? Would they kill her for it?

She felt the familiar buzz in her pocket, making her flinch.

"Ma... May I..." Her voice cracked, making her bite her lower lip. Pein's attention turned to her, his lip twitching up in endearment. She swallowed hard. "Check... My phone?" She squeaked as his expression darkened. She tensed, waiting for the worst, when he gave a curt nod.

She fumbled into her pocket for her phone, freezing when she felt Pein's arm tighten around her. She slowed her movements, just in case her movements made him upset.

She clicked on her screen, it was an unknown number. Along with it was 1 phone call from Sasuke, 15 from Naruto and the voicemails to match. There were also numerous unread messages from them.

The time... She let out a sigh of relief to see it was only 6pm. She had two more hours before her father started to get upset. But why were Sasuke and Naruto calling her? The unknown message previewed, Tell Pein.... She paused, before clicking it open.

Unknown: Tell Pein you need to go to the washroom, now.

She blinked in surprise. Who..?


Shakily, she closed her phone.

Kakuzu was opposed to her being here just as much as she was. Perhaps... Perhaps she could get his help to escape the situation. She was sure he hated her... But right now... He was her only chance.

She bit her lip, looking up at Pein. This was... Going to be so awkward. "I... I need to go to the washroom..." She whispered. Pein looked at her, eyebrow raised. She quickly downcast her eyes, her hands clenching tight at the fabric of her sweater.

"Fine. Out that door." She raised her gaze to see him pointing at a door behind Hidan. "And three doors down on the left. Be quick." He released her, and she wiggled off the couch to freedom. She quickly hopped up and hobbled away fast as she could without seeming suspicious. She could feel eyes on her again, making her self-conscious.

When she turned the corner, and they eyes were off of her, she felt the air return to her lungs. She wasn't aware she even stopped breathing.

Now... To face Kakuzu.

She was pulled into the washroom before she could step in. The door closed behind her, and her back was pressed against the wood. Kakuzu loomed over her, green eyes alight.

This was her chance.

"How could I get out of this situation?" She asked, her voice shaking slightly.

He blinked.

"What?" His deep voice was a rumble through her body.  

It's Highschool! Hell, or Paradise?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora