Chapter 11

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An: this is really pervy, forgive me. 


She was ashamed to say, she fell asleep soon after she shut her phone. She passed out in the middle of Sasuke's king sized bed, the soft sheets much too comforting.

Sometime after, Sasuke and Naruto came in, spotting her sleeping form. Both exhausted themselves, they set passed out on each side of her.

That must have been how it happened, at least. That was the only logical explanation as to why she was sandwiched between her two best friends. Did she mention they were both half naked?

She did what anyone would do in her situation. What would that be? She fainted.


Itachi knocked on his little brothers door, waiting for a response. There was none. Foolish little brother, he must have stayed up late with Naruto again. He twisted the handle, opening the door. He blinked, the slight twinge in his heart confusing him.

The little mouse, Hinata, was laying between the two boys. She was on her side, facing Sasuke. Both Sasuke and Naruto were curled up to her, as if she was the softest pillow.

The most alarming part of the situation was that Naruto's hand was gripping her rather large breast, since he was behind her, and Sasuke had his hand on her succulent ass, as if pulling the girl closer to him.

Slightly agitated, he went in search of a bucket.

When he found the said bucket, he filled it with the coldest water he could, and then ice. He grinned, his evil plan was going to be beautiful.

With precision, he stalked back to his brothers room, only to find the two boys had somehow switched positions, Hinata was now flipped with Sasuke's hand on her breast, and Naruto's on her ass.

Annoyed, he threw the icy water onto the trio. With no regard to what happened next, he stalked out of the room.


It was cold. Her clothes were sticking to her, and it only seemed too worsened when she looked over at Sasuke. His underwear was clinging to his man parts, not leaving a single thing to the imagination. Meeping, she looked to the side. Where Naruto was, with the exact same situation.

The worst part? They both had morning wood.

For the second time that morning, she fainted.

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