Chapter 15

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to someone in particular, with a birthday. It is very very late, but it is here! I am sorry for the long wait. 


Itachi was absolutely confused. Why would PaleMoon send him such a message? She flipped his phone in his hand, sitting in the makeshift house base with a few other Akatsuki members. They were currently skipping, and avoiding the horrible mid-day heat.

Pein opened the door, looking rather accomplished. At least, as accomplished as his stoic face would allow.

"What's got you in such a fucking dandy mood?" Hidan asked, looking pissed as always. Pein sat down on one of the couches, looking much too pleased.

"I found us a new pet to replace Fluffbutt." Itachi resisted the urge to facepalm.

Yes, the mighty and feared Akatsuki had a pet bunny named Fluffbutt.

Only, it died due to health reasons.

"And where is the fucker? Here? At home? Sex? What is it's name?" Hidan asked, looking somewhat interested. Although he would never admit it, he loved the rabbit to death. The guy even brought it treats.

"It's a girl, by the name of Hinata Hyuga, and she is currently heading back to school."



This was to big of a coincidence. There is no way that the two would happen to coincide.

Hinata Hyuuga was PaleMoon.

He knew this girl for years because of his brother, yet he could not guess Pale moon was her? This was.... Interesting. And upsetting.

Because, he had begun to fall for PaleMoon.

He was sure both Sasuke, and Naruto had feelings for the girl. Even Gaara exhibited feelings for her.


"Hey, Fucktard." Itachi looked over to Hidan, who wore a shit eating grin. "Are you that fucking excited for the new pet, to get lost in thought?" Ah, right. He did not have a response yet.


His PaleMoon was about to be the pet of the Akatsuki.

He... For once, he did not know how to handle this situation.


PaleMoon: Do you think a person could simply dissolve conflict without incident?

That was the last text she sent Knight before heading back to school.



She sat in her chair, absolutely lost.


She could not get the word out of her mind.

What was going to happen?

What was she going to do?

She couldn't tell Sasuke or Naruto, they would freak, and maybe start a huge fight. But they could not take out so many guys. And Gaara, he would definitely start a fight. Her father... Her father would not care. Perhaps degrade her more.

Could she talk to them? Tell them it was illegal?

That... That was the only choice. Anything else was violent. She hated violence.

She... Would have to wait to be picked up by them. Then, she would have to speak her mind.

She... She really did not want that.

Which reminded her, Knight had yet to reply to her last text.

She sighed heavily. 

It's Highschool! Hell, or Paradise?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя