521 15 3

Requested by @xialias

"Kenma," Said a deep voice.

A certain male with blonde hair and dark roots looked at his best friend of many years, Kuroo.

Kenma merely grunted as a response, not looking away from his game.

"let's have a bet."

Kenma's eyes were still fixated on the game, yet his eyebrows were furrowed.

"Like what?" Asked Kenma.

"If I beat that game, you work at-"
Kuroo's eyes looked around the large mall, until his eyes lasted on a restaurant.

"hooters." Continued Kuroo, with a wide grin on his face.

Kenma's eyes detached from the game, and focused itself on Kuroo's.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered, his face contorting.

"If I bet you at your game, you work at hooters for,," Kuroo paused.

"A week."

"Uh, okay. Just letting you know that it's hard."

"That's what she said." Mumbled Kuroo.

Kenma rolled his eyes, handing over his PSP to Kuroo.

It turns out Kenma was playing the hardest level of Mortal Kombat.

"Pfft, this is easy." Snickered Kuroo as he randomly started pressing the buttons on the PSP.

"No, it isn't. I haven't been able to beat that for wee-"

A song cut Kenma off, signifying that Kuroo won the game.

Kenma's eyes widened as his mouth twitched.

"H-how did you beat it..." Said Kenma, still in disbelief.

"How could I not beat it? It was too easy." Bragged Kuroo.

Kenma rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, let's just get this over with." Said Kenma, stretching his arms as he made his way to Hooters.

Kuroo simply snickered from his seat, watching his best friend apply for a job application at Hooters.

He watched as Kenma's mouth moved and the woman at the counter gave him an application.

Kenma slumped back to his seat next to Kuroo.

"I did it. Are you happy now?" Said Kenma, dread evident in his voice.

Kuroo exploded with laughter, rocking his body back and forth as his howls left everybody looking at him as if he were crazy.

~time skip to Monday, after university~

"So~~ Kenma, are you excited for your part-time job?" Teased Kuroo as he and Kenma were walking home after school.

Kenma rolled his eyes. "What do you think? I have to spend a month at a restaurant with horny uncles." Snapped Kenma.

Kuroo smirked at Kenma's statement as they entered their own homes.

Kenma unlocked his door and changed into his uniform.

He stared at it in the mirror, cringing at himself as he attempted to stretch his white tank top saying "hooters" until his orange shorts to at least cover up his thighs, but failed.

He sighed, and thought to himself.

What if (y/n) comes in? I doubt that'll happen. Right? I don't think she's a horny uncle. I hope she isn't. Ugh, it would be so embarrassing. I want to die...


The sound of the doorbell echoed in Kenma's mind.

Is it Kuroo? I bet he'd love seeing me in this stupid uniform, thought Kenma.

Kenma reluctantly opened the door as Kuroo stood opposite him.

Kuroo wheezed at the sight of his best friend in a tight tank top and short shorts, showing off Kenma's legs.

"Damn Kenma! You look fiiinee." Laughed Kuroo.

"Shut up. I'm only doing this because of your stupid bet." Kenma said, putting on a jacket to hide his outfit.

"Whatever. I'll go now." Kenma said, dreadfully heading to Hooters with Kuroo laughing at him.

They finally arrived at the local mall as Kenma hesitantly entered Hooters.

He sighed heavily as he removed his jacket, showing off his arms and legs.

Kuroo sat at the nearest table, snickering at Kenma.

He walked to the counter as he rested his head on his hand.

A (h/c)-haired girl entered the restaurant, spotting her classmate.

"K-kenma? I-is that you?"

Kenma ducked under the counter, hiding his face in his hands.

F*ck. She knows it's me. I'm done.

Kuroo wheezed at Kenma's embarrassment as (y/n) looked at him in wonder.

"U-uh, Hey Kuroo, is that Kenma?"
She asked, scratching her head.

"Y-yeah!" Said Kuroo, barely able to speak because of him laughing so hard.

"O-oh. I- I thought he already had a business, why would he work at Hooters..??" (y/n) asked.

"Pfft, it was because we had a dumb bet, that I won." Kuroo said proudly.

Kenma was listening to your conversation with Kuroo, cursing in his mind.

I hate it here, thought Kenma while facepalming.

"U-uh, Ke-Kenma, are you okay?" Asked (y/n), worry in her eyes.

Kenma slowly stood up from the counter, hiding his face.

"Y-yeah.. i- it was a bet b-by Kuroo.." He said shyly.

"Oh, he told me. Y-you look cute."

His eyes lit up, but he immediately tried to hide it once more.


word count: 809 words!!

This took me a while to finish lol. Also, I didn't know how to end it ://
Uh, anyway, hope you enjoy! Make sure to vote or comment!

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