I ran my hands down my face, forcing myself from my thoughts. I didn't have time to think about it. There was too much to do, and I was absolutely starving. I made my way to the kitchen, shuffling around and still half asleep, and grabbed the first edible food bar I could get to in the pantry. I didn't care what it tasted like. It didn't even cross my mind. I was tired and needed fuel: Aka, food and caffeine. The caffeine followed swiftly after, as I grabbed a megamonster energy drink  from the fridge before plopping down at the meager dining room table across the room.

Ah yes. The pinnacle of a healthy diet.

Honestly, I had grown to not really care about what I consumed, as long as it got me through the day. Not when I worked two jobs and had to raise four kids.

Now, most people would be alarmed if they heard that. That, or just plain old confused. After all, at only 19, there was no way that I was old enough to have four kids of my own. Which was completely true. They weren't my kids. They were my siblings, but at 5, 7, 11, and 16, they were still kids, and damn did it take a lot of work keeping them alive and happy.

"Speaking of work...I'd better get to it." After downing my 'breakfast' of champions, I got to work. I had abut two hours before I had to get the kids from school, which meant 2 hours to make sure everything was cleaned up, snacks were packed, and I got a chance to get showered.

The rest of the day flew by as usual. Picked my siblings up from their respective schools, kept the middle two from killing each other, and then started on dinner while they worked on homework. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

One could argue that was a good thing, as that meant no surprises for my already hectic schedule to take care of these goobers. But, for me, it was rather depressing. I hated living life like a 40 year old mom when I was only 19. But, it was either that, or put by siblings in the system, and I was NOT letting that happen.

"[Y/N]?" I looked down from the dishes I was washing from supper to see my two youngest brothers, Marcus and Dannie, looking up at me with their adorable little [E/C] eyes. "Yes boys?" "Do you have to work tonight?" They sounded absolutely pitiful, and clearly they wanted me to stay home. But I didn't' have a choice. "I'm so sorry, but I do."

They were crushed, and as much as I knew I need to go to work, a part of me wanted to ditch just for them. "Hey, don't look so sad. I know you wanna plan with me, but I gotta make sure we have groceries. You know that. "We know." I sighed, before kneeling down to them and taking their hands. "I'll tell you what. If you get good marks on ALL your assignments for the week, I'll ask my bosses if I can have next Saturday off." It was enough to cause them to squeal with delight and latch on to my neck. "Alright. You gotta let me go now. I have to finish dishes before I leave."

They ran off, presumably to inform the others of the deal they had struck. It was sweet. "You're gonna work yourself to death [Y/N]." I turned behind me to find Anthony, the oldest, stepping between me and the dishes, reaching in the sink to start washing. "You look like shit." I reached for him with catlike reflexed and flicked his ear. "OW!" "Language Anthony." "It's true." "Abapbap. Watch the language." He rolled his eyes at me and went back to the dishes. "I just don't get why you won't let me get a weekend job. You've hardly slept in who knows how long. I could at least help out."

The groan that escape my lips as enough of an indicator that I really didn't want to have this conversation AGAIN. "Fine. Whatever sis. But when you drop dead from exhaustion, don't come crying to me." I rolled my eyes and replied by flicking him again. "WHAT WAS THAT ONE FOR?!" I chuckled, and gave him smirk. "Because you're being a little shit." "Heeey. You just said" "I'm an adult. I can curse if I want." He was disgruntled by my being a hypocrite, but I didn't exactly care. It was fun messing with him.

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