Christmas Eve

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((Not apart of the story))

Yesterday was december 23.The last the of karakura highschool for winter break.It was mighty cold in the house for misao but crimson it was extremely warm.She was asleep in the living room with mikhail and repede.Mikhails breath made it warm so misao decided to join in.Yes he could fit in the house.

Crimson had her face on misao head.The problem was she was drooling on her face.Misao woke up and whined "ewwww crimson drool"she pouted.The said teenager woke and gave a sorry smirk.

Nikko and Luna came downstairs from the guest room.They wanted to spend the night so bad you couldnt say no."last night was fun remember how misao said mikhail sounds gay?"nikko laughed earning a glare from crimson.

"heeyyyy thats mean!"mikhail pouted."but its true!"she yelled in reply.Crimson tapped mikhails nose and whispered in his ears"fire."she said.Mikhail smirked as he blowed a stream off fire at nikko and misao.They screamed and ran to find a source of water.

Mikhail laughed "hehe ill show you!"the dragon said curling around crimson and repede.Nikko began to yell out stupid threats in what not."anyways i notice tommorows Christmas but we dont have a tree just gifts."misao protested."so"crimson replied.

The girl face palmed walking to her friend."we need a tre-"she was cut off by mikhail."oh oh oh oh!!!i can help!"he said going outside.After about 5 minutes he came back with a tree that looked like it was ripped off the ground and put it on the floor.

Crimson sighed and face palmed "did you rip a tree out the ground"mikhail giggled."yes yes i did!pretty neat huh"he was gonna continue until a familiar girl popped her head up from his back.She had long curly blue hair and blue eyes it was non other than bubbly.

Misao glared at bubbly "hey you i heard about the tree can i help!"she gave a thumbs up."helll no you cant"misao pointed.They started to argue until crimson got tired and made mikhail breathe fire.

"lets just decorate the tree"she hissed.Everyone began to find some useful ornaments for the tree.Repede had found a star and gave it to mikhail to put on the top.Bubbly found a few blue ribbons she had and wrapped them around the tree.Nikko had found some small figures to put up, luna put on some colorful lights on the tree and house, and misao added some angels everywhere.

We waited for night time by playing games and pranks.Briar had also joined the party.So it as like a girls night except for repede and mikhail.Misao also had her pretty dog Swiftpaw who repede and crimson adored.Other than that it was fun.

It was now 8:00pm.Everyone went over to the tree and lit it up.Te sight was the most beautiful sight you'd ever scene.Lastly everyone put the gifts under the tree and went to sleep on either the couches or floor.It was a very silence sleep until.Fart."oops sorry..""Mikhail!!!!!"everyone yelled and groaned before falling asleep.

((A/N:i hope everyone has a great christmas also credit to kdchannel24 she is Bubbly waters plus i know her in reall life and also know these girls in real life rose_briar224 is briar tahboo02 is non other than nikko!keep reading))

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