Misao Vs. Bubbly

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Pant pant pant

Misao ran and ran around the soul society.It was safe here at all!Especially without crimson or repede.The girl thought to herself 'I cant do this alone!someone please help me...no...i have to be strong!'she thought to herself.

She continued to think to herself trying to come up with a strategy."halt!"a feminie voice yelled behind her.Misao froze in her tracks terrified.As she turned around her eyes laid on a girl her height with long curly blue hair and blue eyes.Her appearance reminded her of water.

"dont take another step my name is Bubbly waters and I will not allow you to roam anymore!"she growled at misao.Awkward silence.Suddenly misao bursted into laughter"bubbly?...bubbly?! hahaha!"she laughed.

Bubbly sweat dropped and pointed at her "h-hey whats so funny about my name?!"she exclaimed."im sorry just reminded me of pwahahaha!bubbles"she laughed falling on the floor crying with tears of joy.

"thats it i had enough of you!"bubbly whispered.Misao stopped laughing as she watched the female soul reaper pull out her sword."prepare to die!"bubbly yelled as she charged at misao with impressive speed.

'What do I do?!'
'I cant block her attack!'

Misao continued to yell at herself in her head.She shut her eyes as bubbly tried to impale her sword in her chest.She waited for the pain that never came.

Misao opened her eyes to see a green light infront of her blocking bubbly sword."what the hell is this?!"she growled.Staring at her hands misao stood up and quickly tried to understand the situation.

A few voices began to speak through misao head.Who was it? or what was it.The voices died down as the barrier disappeared and a sword appeared in misao hand.Staring at her sword she grinned and pointed at bubbly"now where even!"

The battle became interesting for both girls.Instead of big adorable eyes the two now had a sharp glare as a grin grew on each of their faces.Misao thought aout a few moves she saw from crimson.

Bubbly made first attack swinging her sword.Misao who was to busy thinking was thrown into the wall.She struggled to stand from the pain in her hip and side but she forced herself anyways.

"whats wrong your powers are weaker than i thought! "bubbly laughed.Misao growled and with a incredible speed she ran at bubbly.The said blue hair eyes widen at her sudden speed increase.The two girls clashed sword hard.

Bubbly blocked each attack fallen gave repeatedly.Misao used her heal to spin around like a tornado as her blade violently slashed at her opponent.The blue haird shinigami began stuggling.

"look whos weak now!!"misao said punching bubbly in the face.The shinigami growled"now you speaking tough huh?!well we will see about that!" she yelled punching her back in return.

"Your going down Muzai!"the shinigami yelled "keep talking bubble!"misao yelled as the two screamed at each other until their swords clashed.The two jumped away.Another blade appeared in misao hand as she swiftly tries to cut bubbly.

Bubbly growled knowing this was gonna take to long."I don't think so"she said as her eyes began to glow.Suddenly, a wave of water drowned misao where she stood.The teen struggled to breathe under water and forced herself to swim to the surface of the current water conditions

The shinigami grinned thinking the said female was dead and made the water disappear.When the area cleared bubbly gasped.There stood a soak and wet misao with her sword pierced into the ground "we arent finished yet"she smirked.

The fight between the lasted forever.They were both tired and exhausted "i wont lose....."misao mumbled."i cant lose now i must survive....for my friends!"she said bleeding on her leg and shoulder.

Bubbly couldnt even speak anymore.The two decided the final attack and ran at eachother.The duo punched each other in the face at the same time causing both to collaspe on the floor.

"your not bad Muzai.."bubbly said.Misao smirked"neither are you bubble"the two females smiled before going unconscious.


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