Turn Back Time

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Turn Back Time

1. Book Cover — Your book cover is pretty nice, thou I know you can do a huge improvement in this part.

2. Title — It's a really nice title for a story, it's very significant, and meaningful, but not aesthetic enough (don't mind me innthis part), I still think it's really nice for a title.

3. Grammar — You're okay in this part but you still need to improve it, especially at when you're writing English. Try reading Harry Potter book series, since I don't have that book either, I have the pdf file that I can share to you via email. Good job.

One more thing, whenever you write, you're somehow have a habit of creating different paragraphs with one short sentence. It's not that it's not okay to do that but somehow, it's very unorganized. LOL. I suggest you make your paragraph a bit longer (one or more long complex sentences, or two or more compound sentences, or three/four or more simple sentences).

4. Contents — Short chapters are okay, it's just that, (it's a recommendation) if you're going to make a short chapter, make sure that the context is there. The flow is okay and all but it's too realistic to the point that it's not fun reading it anymore because it became boring and dull like isn't books in romance genre supppsed to be entertaining?

5. Overall Impact — it's okay, I guess. It's just a bit dull and unentertaining. I think you need to emphasize their emotions so that people can feel them.

Book Cover       : 07/10
Title                    : 17/20
Grammar          : 28/35
Contents            : 16/25
Overall Impact: 07/10
Total Score       : 75/100

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