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Hey, another note again... I just want to inform you guys that I'm getting busier (important stuffs: helping my Mom manage our business), maybe the next update will be between July 05 - July 11, I can't really make a fixed date regarding my update schedule right now... I hope you understand... Thank you. :)))

P.S. After that mass update, I might do one last mass update (which contains 3 to 10 critiqued books, maybe it's between August 2nd week or 3rd week) and then I'll update once a week (one or more, it depends).

P.S.S. Sometimes, I do English grammar poorly, lmao, I write what I says in my mind so bear with me... And I can see that I always suck at using "in on at" and "subject and verb agreement", I hate this fact... Well, I'm saying this just to remind you guys that there's we always have flaws, even the ones I granted with high scores, it's just that sometimes it's unnoticeable, being good at grammar is nice, but the contents are more important than it (I'm just a grammar freak that's why the grammar points are higher than the contents), good content can mask the incorrect use of grammar, but good grammar skills can't mask bad contents. Always remeber that!👌

P.S.S.S. If my parents would buy me a new phone/netbook/desktop in a month or two, expect fast updates.

P.S.S.S.S. Last na ito, please read Our Untold Desires by yourgaelesley, let's support pride month by spreading love and awareness regarding LGBTQ+. This is a LGBTQ+ Story, I am not telling you to read it if you don't want to.

Lay's Critique Shop 2020 (OPEN)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora