Tales of the Darkside

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I was talking with heaven on her bed after her dad bailed me out

"I can't believe he was killed"

"Ev black hood spoke he was going to kill sinners"

"But he didn't deserve that i mean he was.."

"A teacher selling drugs to teenagers"

"Yeah but how did he get into the Sheriff station without..." Then a got a message from Jughead to meet him at pop's to speak with Penny

"What is it?"

"I got to meet up with jughead"

"What happened"

"We have to meet up with Penny"

"I'm not liking the way she is baby what if she dangerous"

"It's fine okay" she was essiten but nods we kiss and i leave


Once Evan leaves i did my hair and my dad walks in the room

"Hey love why did Evan leave"

"Oh he was going to meet up with Jughead to speak to someone named Penny" he closed the door and turned me around

"Sweetheart your not speaking to her are you"

"No i don't even know her"

"Those boys are messing with the wrong serpent"

"Why dad"

"Beacuse love .... I dealt with her before and believe me Angel she's no saint" i was worried what did Evan and Jughead get themselves into


Once at pop's

"I can't do this favor for you, whatever it is. If I have to pay for you helping my dad..."

"He needs more help, that's why I called. FP got in a little "accident", with some Ghoulies in the prison showers the other day." My eyes widen

"No way"

"Oh, my God."

"Listen He's in the infirmary now."

"Is he okay?" I asked

"Well, they messed up that pretty face of his."

"The Ghoulies wanted blood payback for the deal you and that Northsider made with Sheriff Keller, got all their higher-ups locked away."

"That wasn't... What can we do, to get him out?"

"For that you would need money."

"You need money. Rich people? Rich people don't sit in jail. Money greases the wheels of justice."

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