Judgment Night

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I was helping Jug Ev and Sweetpea with Fangs who was shot

"Fangs stay with us" i said as me and jug go to the front desk

"Help us! We need a doctor."


"Wait your turn, please." I slammed my fist on to the desk 

"He was shot!"

"I need you to step back..."

"He's dying!" I yelled at her Jug and Evan had to hold me back

"Hey, what's gong on here?" Said a doctor

"My friend was shot right in the stomach."

"Hey, get me a gurney."

"Here, here, here. Lift up, lift up." Fangs groans in pain as i held his hand i tried to go with him

"Sorry ma'am you need to stand back"

"No but he needs someone with him" i said in tears

"Mija he'll be fine" my dad told me as they took him away me and jug shared a look and stared walking

"Jug, H where do you think you're both going?" Fp asked us

"To find the guy who shot Fangs!" Dad stop us

"You're both not going out there. Not with people rioting. Look, you're both angry, you want justice. So do I. But you've got a fallen soldier here, boy, and we need to talk to his family." I looked down

"It's part of being a leader."

"Some leader I am."

"Don't go down that road."

"It was my fault" i said

"I was in front of him i promised him he'll be safe the next thing i know my friend shot" i cried my dad holds me hours later i sat next to Sweetpea

"Hey Sweetpea" he hums in response

"If we find out who ever shot fangs i promise to break their head in for him" he nods his head in agreement then i see officer mineta and my bloods boils as i stood up and walked over to him

"Sheriff Minetta... Shouldn't you be on the street looking for who shot Fangs?"

"As i told Jones There's already a manhunt underway. Your little Serpent pals aren't making things easy, though. Rioting, carousing, terrorizing the neighborhood. Already arrested a few."

"Oh I'll give you another one to arrest" i told him as i was bald my hand into fist but Jughead held me back

"I'd watch the tone Ms. Sky"

"Fangs wouldn't have a slug in his gut if you'd done your job in the first place." I shout at him as Jug held me back

"Let me go!" I told him and left i was in the angriest mood so i decide to go with the Serpents and go wild as i called up

Riverdale (Season 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora