Chapter 58: Big Trouble Little Ninjago

Start from the beginning

They see a building fall.

"Come on!" Kai shouted

"What about Lloyd?" Aria asked

"Looks like it's just us" Cole said "Aria you stay here to watch Lloyd"

"And leave you idiots to go deal with that" Aria shook her head "sorry boys but next to Lloyd I'm the strongest on this team"

"Aria when Lloyd wakes up you're the first one he'd need to see" Nya said

"fine" Aria gave in "be careful


Lloyd wakes up "Father!"

"It actually worked! Eh. That's a first" Mistaké said and Aria gave her a look

Aria held Lloyd's hand "Lloyd, what is it?"

"I had a dream o-of a giant, and my father. He's looking for Wu" Lloyd replied

"That is no dream. That is a vision" Mistake told him

Lloyd tried to use his energy but couldn't "I don't understand. I-I can't. Why can't I?"

"You're alive. That's all you need to know" Aria said hugging him

"You need to get to the child before it's too late" Mistaké said

"But without my power, I'm...I'm not the Green Ninja" Lloyd said "My father's still out there. I can't...I can't defeat him"

The shop rumbles again. He gets up but was weak.

Mistaké stopped him "Wait! Here. Take this with you" She gives him a bag "You may not have power, but that was never what made you powerful. It was knowing what to do, and when to do it."

"I'm here with you, let's do it, like old times" Aria smiled

"Now go, Ninja, go! The end is not the end, but only a new beginning!" Mistake declared


"Come on. We have to go" Misako and Wu leave the apartment and Wu screams when they see Garmadon "What has happened to you?"

Garmadon attacks but Aria appeared and kicked Garmadon in the gut then kicked him into the wall. Lloyd was there too.

"Aria! Lloyd!" Little Wu shouted happily

"Go, Lloyd! Get him out of here!" Aria said

"We can hold him back" Misako said

"You sure you're up for this?" Aria asked

"I was married to him once. I'm up for anything. It's just like training with Layla" Misako replied

They fight him as Lloyd runs away with Wu. Garmadon kicked Misako into the wall and Aria blasted him with dark energy.

"Misako! Get out of here!" Aria shouted

"Are you sure?" Misako asked worried

"Go now!" Aria shouted as Garmadon grabbed her

Misako reluctantly ran away. Once she was out of sight Aria flipped Garmadon onto his back.

Aria moved her hair out of her face "Alright Garmadon, now it's just you and me, Dark Lord and Dark Lord


Lloyd was on a tram with Wu while Harumi was chasing them. The ninjas got the Bounty as close to them as they could.

"Jump!" Cole shouted

"It's too far!" Lloyd shouted

"Get us closer!" Jay shouted to Zane

"She's as close as I can get her!" Zane shouted back

Harumi jumps onto the tram "Give me the child. The Emperor wants his brother"

Kai shouted "Lloyd, jump! You can make it!"

Lloyd jumps but Harumi grabs him. He throws Wu to them.

"Catch him!" Lloyd shouted

Cole catches him. Zane steers away from them to avoid crashing into a building. Colossus grabs the bounty and starts to crumble it.

"No!" Lloyd shouted

Harumi laughed evilly "This is the end, Lloyd. Watch to see how you lose it all"

The Colossus finished off the Bounty.

"No!" Lloyd shouted sadly

Harumi laughed "This. This is what I wanted. To see your father's return, and for you to lose everything. How does it feel to see the end?"

Lloyd shook his head "No. I won't let it do to me what it did to you. This isn't the end, Harumi. This is just the beginning. Without my power, without my friends, I'm gonna fight you. I'm gonna fight on. Because a Ninja never quits."

Harumi shrugged "Well then, goodbye, Lloyd"

"Before I go, just answer me this: you said the greatest villain was the one who got away. Then what am I?" Lloyd jumps off and activates the parachute Mistaké gave him.

He lands on a boat piloted by his mother, Nya, and P.I.X.A.L. They heard a loud crash and look up to see Garmadon and Aria fighting on top of a building.

Aria's eyes turned purple and her body was surrounded by purple energy. She shot her black hellfire at Garmadon and he dodged. He shot a beam at her and she deflected it. He ran and kicked her in the gut, Aria caught his foot and burned it. The black fire on his foot continued to burn.

Harumi arrived on the building and stabbed Aria in the arm, she let go of Garmadon and knocked them both on the ground. She pulled the knife out of her arm and threw it at Harumi. Garmadon grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. She landed near the edge and quickly got up.

As Aria fought more with Garmadon, Harumi took advantage of her being distracted. Lloyd, Misako, and Nya watched Harumi pick up a knife.

"ARIA" Lloyd yelled

Aria turned around just as Harumi stabbed the knife into her 'heart'

"NO" Lloyd screamed

Aria just stood there, Harumi looked scared as Aria pulled the knife out and laughed "did you really think that'd kill me, I'm not like other mortals"

Aria ran at them and blasted them with hellfire. Harumi's hand caught on fire. She tried to put it out but it wouldn't go out.

"Hellfire continues to burn until their's nothing left" Aria laughed and Harumi screamed in pain

"You are a monster!" Harumi shouted

"I'm a monster..." Aria looked down at Lloyd and smiled before looking back at Harumi "monsters belong in hell right... then let's go to hell together"

Garmadon shot a beat at Aria who absorbed it

"she's a dragon!" Garmadon shouted "her heart is on her right not her left!"

"fuck" Aria mumbled

The two started aiming for her real heart now. She kept dodging, the speed Harumi could threw knifes was fast, it was hard to counter attack. Aria dodged another energy blast from Garmadon before she felt a sharp pain in her heart.

"damn it" Aria said as she fell to the ground

Misako grabbed Lloyd before he jumped off the boat.

"Lloyd you can't" Misako said

"Let me go!" Lloyd shouted

Nya and Misako hugged him "It's too late"

Lloyd cried as Garmadon kicked Aria's body off the roof and the river.

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