Break Up With Your Boyfriend, I'm Bored

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“How did you convince me to do this?” Percy grumbled under his breath as they loaded the bus.

Three months of fake dating and somehow he’s being shipped away on a bus for a ski trip when he doesn’t even know how to put on the boots.

“It’ll be fun,” Oliver promised when he put the suitcases on the bus. “Trust me, you’ll love it.”

Another eye roll. He got on the bus without Oliver, and was quickly surprised when he saw Cedric Diggory enter the bus as well.

He must've seen the confused look on Percy’s face because he chuckled and walked over to him. “I live in this same area. Cho and Oliver were my best friends growing up. Speaking of them, I saw Oliver loading Cho’s bags.”

It was probably a petty thing to get upset over. Oliver still wanted to get back Cho, right?

Just because Percy had feelings and wanted to make things real didn’t mean anything when Oliver doesn’t feel the same way. Their late night hugs and everything was to make it feel real, but not necessarily because it meant anything.

“Wanna sit with me?” Percy scooted over from where he was sitting on the aisle seat to the window seat.

When Oliver walked onto the bus, Cho trailing behind him, Percy pulled Cedric by the sleeve to sit next to him.

Here's the boy who forced him to a party to make their relationship look real and then dragged him to this stupid ski trip so he can hang out with his ex girlfriend.

Which probably makes the relationship total bogus.

Even when Oliver flashed a hurt face and sat down a couple of seats in front of them, Percy didn't let up. It's a stupid thing to get upset about no doubt. But isn't it a valid reason? Oliver didn't have to stay outside. He could've gone inside at the same time as Percy. Was he just waiting for Cho? What's even happening with them?

“Am I getting into some couple argument?” Cedric asked, light amusement in his voice.

But there is that slight tone of actual concern. He wants to know the truth of what's happening between Percy and Oliver. But the truth isn't going to come out. This is something they already said they weren't going to tell.

“Not an argument,” Percy shook his head in assurance. “I guess just me being petty. It's okay for me to be upset at my boyfriend for being some kind of friend to his ex girlfriend, right? I didn't even know they had…”

When Cho walked onto the bus and plopped herself in the seat next to Oliver, Percy swears he stopped breathing. She smiled sweetly at him when they made eye contact, but that grin wasn't fooling anybody. She sat suspiciously close to Oliver and whispered something in his ear that made his laugh.

But it wasn't the laugh that Percy knows. It didn't sound as loud or as stupid, even. Was he always fake laughing whenever Percy told a joke that didn't make sense?

“Yikes,” Cedric commented. “All I'm saying is that Cho can be vicious. She may not look or act like it, but I've seen the way she is to some of the muggles here. She pretty much organized this whole thing. Wasn't very happy to see Oliver signed you up for what she considers her trip.”

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