I Hope You're Happy With Yourself

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“We're going to die and I'm going to blame you for everything,” Percy scolded as they tiptoed after curfew to the kitchen.

Which meant having to narrowly avoid the Hufflepuffs. Even though most were at the party, the youngest ones still remain asleep.

“What are a couple of second years going to do?” Oliver laughed a little too loudly. It wasn't even that loud. It's just Percy's nerves giving him a ton of anxiety.

“There are fourth years who can and probably will tell Dumbledore,” Percy reminded.

He saw a shadow on the floor and panicked before realizing that it was his own. It's his own damn shadow, their completely fine. No reason to be all that scared.

“Hold yourself with more confidence,” Oliver stopped for a second in front of the door to the kitchen. He put his hands on Percy's shoulders. “Don't be scared all the time for everything. Something amazing might come out of things that you don't overthink.”

When Oliver didn't let up and Percy didn't move, and they stared at each other and Oliver had that damn soft look on his face, that's when he realized he stopped being scared of falling for the other boy. He let go, but is anybody going to be there to save him? 

Yeah no, he's scared again. But these feelings are still there. And he's not entirely sure that he wants them there.

“Totally,” Percy smiled before finally stepping back. “For sure. Now, are we going to get food and sneak back into our room or what?”

Oliver made that soft face again and god stop making that face tapped once on the door, it flinging open.

Isn't the kitchen supposed to be closed at all times? Why is it so easy?

The quidditch player must've noticed the look of confusion on Percy's face because he started cracking up again. Percy almost squashed him into the door because he wasn't about to get caught.

When Oliver was met with a face full of hand, he gave a thumbs up when he had finally relaxed. He still had a huge smile, though.

“Sorry,” Oliver said once the hand that was slapped across his mouth had been removed from his face. “It was just really funny to see your face when I opened the door. Cedric hooked all the quidditch captains with unlimited access to the kitchen so we can eat a little more if ever necessary. Do not breathe a word of this to anybody else, though.”

“Yo, I got no friends besides my dead brother and his friends,” Percy rolled his eyes as they stepped into the door.

“Plus a pair of twins, but we don't talk about them. Who am I going to say anything to?"

Oliver closed the door silently behind him. “Well, my friends. If you haven't noticed, they're one hundred percent your friends too. They love you! They think you're one of my best to date. And I'll say, for you being scared of this, you're doing a pretty fan freaking tastic job.”

Percy was going to respond before he saw the food that distracted him from everything.

“Oh wow.”

“Yeah,” Oliver wrapped a hand around his shoulders. “I hoped you would like something like this. I'm glad you did. I'm showing you a big secret, you know.”

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