Anyone Ever Actually Been To A Party?

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Percy knew what he was walking into when Oliver had dragged him from the safety of his room into the common room.

It was already well into the night when he had been dragged, but he had put his glasses on. The lateness made him take off his contact lenses to put the frames on. Truth be told, he took Charlie's so he wouldn't miss him as bad.

"You're really wearing your glasses?" Oliver rolled his eyes before taking them off of Percy's face. "These are staying with me for the rest of the night."

"I don't even wear them all that often," Percy tried taking them back, but it was no use.

"Trust me when I say that I like the way you look with them on," Oliver explained as he slid the glasses into the front pocket of his jeans. "I just don't want you breaking them." With that, he grasped his 'boyfriend's' hand and led him away to where the party is.

What Percy didn't expect was how many people had shown up.

It was obvious that the party hadn't stayed in the common room since people from every house were splayed out everywhere and down every hallway of the Gryffindor dorms.

"So you're telling me I have to come?" Percy whined as Oliver kept dragging him to the common room, more and more people coming into view every turn of the corner.

"Yes," Oliver paused for a second to face the other boy. "Or else our whole relationship will never work because Cho will be up on me, but you won't get Marcus. He's probably here."

"It seems like everyone is here," Percy pointed out as they started walking again.

He groaned as they continued their path to the common room. It's easily predicted that it's going to have an insane amount of people based on the hallways alone.

Hermione and Ron and them just became fifth years, but it's unlikely that their here. If anyone is, it's the twins. Not the people who just became able to come a month ago.

"Trust me," Oliver smirked. "There's still another third of people who have yet to arrive."

Percy groaned again. He didn't exactly hate the party. It seemed like everybody was having a pretty good time. He just doesn't exactly like everyone who's here. For example, Marcus.

They made eye contact from a mile away. Percy looked away, still feeling bitter from their fight. Even though Marcus had tried to help him after getting hit with a Broom, Percy still didn't want to talk to him.

Besides, he has an amazing boy right next to him.

"Should I get us a drink?" Oliver asked, eyes shining.

Percy looked into his eyes. Oh, how could brown eyes be so cute? He nodded, unable to say much because of how distracted he got from seeing a pair of pretty eyes.

Wait, what?

When Percy walked away, he heard someone calling his name. It was a female voice, which definitely confused him. Why in the world is a girl trying to get his attention? That didn't happen often.

He finally found the owner of the voice. He saw Cho sitting on one of the couches in the common room, surrounded by her friends. They were all laughing as they put down the fruit sodas they were drinking.

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