The Beginning, For Real This Time

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No point moping.

This was going to happen eventually. Might as well have been now. The other way was only going to hurt more. They were going to have more memories. Maybe Oliver did a good thing. At least now, Percy can't exactly pine for him.

He left his room and was promptly greeted by the faces of his siblings in the common room. Of course, everyone else was there too. Celebrating in the victory of their friends. But the Weasleys plus Harry and Hermione knew how badly this hurt. They knew why for Percy, this wouldn't be a joyous occasion.

“When did he tell you?” Fred asked. “When did he tell you he was leaving? Did he tell you at all? Did you guys even make up? I know you slept in your own room again, but we're all wondering the same thing here: did you guys talk?”

“Talk is so overrated,” Percy concluded. He sat down in an armchair, oblivious to Angelina's whoops of delight. What is it, like eight in the morning? Too early for celebrations. “If we didn't talk then we wouldn't have made up and made each other a promise for the future. I should've left us fighting.”

“You'd rather he leave with you guys on had terms?” Ginny asked curiously.

“Would've hurt less,” Percy shrugged. “Because at least then, I wouldn't be stuck sitting here like a lovesick puppy.”

“There's a reason five letters were sent out instead of just one,” Ron joked. “Five chances at a boyfriend, right? One down, four more to go. I thought I heard Cedric around here somewhere…” The rest of his thought died down when he saw Hermione's murderous face.

“We said we'll find each other when this is all dealt with,” Percy sank down into the armchair. “The really weird thing is that Oliver told me he had three days before he had to leave. He… lied to me. I don't know why, either.”

“He had good intentions,” George reassured. “He just did everything pretty fucking bad. I'm guessing he didn't want to hurt you. He probably didn't want to say goodbye and didn't want to go through that process. He left so he most likely didn't have to pain anyone. Theoretically.”

It took one glance in George's direction (that wasn't even suspicious) for George to spill the truth. “Okay, me and Fred talked to him as he was leaving. We were in the common room, doing… things when we saw him dipping. He didn't want to face the hard truth in the morning so he played off having there days to spare you both the heartache. Mercy!”

“Wait you knew?” Percy stood up from the armchair. How could these little fuckers know and not say anything? “You knew and couldn't have been bothered at all to let me know? Or even wake me? This is mine and his' future! I at least deserve a goodbye after everything the two of us went through. We deserve a goodbye. We've done too much to end up in a situation like this.”

Wasn't this the problem they literally just had? Miscommunication? Because Oliver didn't rely some kind of information to Percy that was probably crucial to know, yet he didn't? How does that even work? How does something like this happen to a person twice?

Percy rubbed his face in exasperation. George winced at the sight. “Are you mad? We're really sorry. He told us not to tell you, and we also had your best intentions in mind. All three of us just have a very poor way of dealing with things. You live with two of us and dated one! You should know these kinds of things already!”

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