Chapter 3: Its a wonder I'm even alive!

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Marty's POV: I woke up and remembered I was supposedly sick so I would have to stay inside or be in disguise all day. I stayed in during the morning and then around the time school was out I got in a black hat and jacket and sunglasses (part two spy outfit) and headed over to the school to see what George and Lorraine were doing. I walked and hid in the bushes. I had a walkie talkie and Doc was waiting on the other end. I saw them walk out arms linked together and he was carrying her books. I told Doc that it looked good so far. I followed them hiding along the way. I stepped on a stick while following and George turned around to look and I ducked behind a car. I sighed, that was too close of a call Mcfly! Stay farther back and look where you walk! I peeked around and saw him walking her up to her door and opening it for her then he headed over to his house. I told Doc and ran back to Doc's rejoicing. It had worked! Something I had done had finally worked!! I got back and thought over what I would do the next day at the dance. I figured to come to the dance but hide out. The next day I got a suit on and headed over to the dance. I would be going back tonight only if my parents  kissed. If they didn't, I would just die off anyway so I would just stay. I was so nervous. I decided to go and follow Lorraine and George in their car to make sure everything went right. They drove out and I skated behind them. It was dark out and I had my spy outfit on so I blended in with the dark night well. They got to the school and I saw biff walk up. Oh great, this isn't going to end well... I watched behind as Biff opened the door. George knocked Biff out with one punch, he must've had enough of his crap. I celebrated and ran into the gym where the dance was. Then I watched them walk in Lorraine looking very happy. Biff found me and his group brought me and locked me in a trunk. (Same scene happens where they get Marty out and stuff). (Marty player earth angel and the kid stepped in) I started to fade out and I couldn't play it's a wonder I'm even alive! George just gave up. Then to my surprise George came back and got Lorraine and I was able to play again. (Marty plays Johnny b Goode and the same scene happens talking with his mom and dad about the carpet.) (I'm going to skip ahead to right after Marty slams his head into the DeLorean and the car starts.) "Vroom" the DeLorean turned on and I started going down the road getting faster and faster when I saw a person in the street. I slammed on the brake but it was too late, I hit the person. I jumped out horrified. I saw she was a girl who looked my age. She didn't have any injuries I could see, and was breathing normally. She woke up and said she needed my help. I asked her her name and where she was from she told me she was from 2020. Her name was y/n and she was 17 and from Hill Valley High. I introduced myself and I had the same predicament being stuck in the past, and I could take her back to the future. I told her to come with me and I was heading back. We jumped in and we sped up really fast and made it just in time. In a blinding flash we were back. Safe and sound in good ol 1985.!

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