Chapter 2

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Marty's POV:
I woke up, and wondered if I would be alive by the end of today. I went downstairs and Doc had the plan written out and broken down into steps. We had already accomplished step one: Knock George out long enough so he would be out all day today. We did that last night. Then today I would do my hair a different way and would dress like George Mcfly. Now the hardest thing to do was to make my voice sound like his. I looked a lot like him, him being my father and all, but I was shorter and my voice was different along with my attitude. I was more brave than him too. I fixed my hair slicked it down the way George did. Then I dressed in some clothes I had bought yesterday night that looked like George's clothes. I checked myself in the mirror and ate a little before heading out. I made sure to have a notebook in my pocket because George always had one too. I headed off to school. When I got there I walked up to Lorraine at her locker and I tried to act nervous and cleared my voice. Lorraine was talking to her friends and she looked up at me and her smile faded a bit. "Hi George," she said. "Where's Calvin?" "I think he's sick." I responded trying to sound and act like George as much as possible. "Oh, well, I was hoping to see him today. Also, what were you trying to tell me yesterday?" "Oh, um... I was going to ask you... ask you to the dance on Saturday." "Well, I was planning on going with Calvin..." "Calvin's very sick and I don't think he will be well by then." I cut Lorraine off. That was stupid Mcfly! George wouldn't cut her off! "Well then, I guess I could go with you..." Lorraine responded sounding a bit disappointed. The bell rang and I told Lorraine I would see her later. Phew! That wasn't pleasant. Thank God, saved by the bell. I ran to class. At lunch I saw Lorraine and she was sitting where George usually sat. Oh no! Now I have to sit by her and act like George! I sat and tried to act normal and started eating. Lorraine seemed deep in thought. I didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet. Lunch passed and we both concentrated on eating. At the end of the day, I found Lorraine and asked her to go with me to Lous cafe. She agreed and we walked off together. I bought her what she wanted and she seemed really happy. Oh boy! This plan is working great so far, just hopefully George stays asleep. Tonight I'll tell him that he took Lorraine on a date. I'll do the Darth Vader thing again. Hopefully it will work. After we finished eating, I asked her to the dance. She looked a little bummed that Calvin was sick, but she said ok. Then, I took Lorraine home. I ran to Docs down so back alleys so hopefully Lorraine wouldn't follow me. When I got to Docs he asked how it went. I told him and he seemed happy. I told him though that I would have to go and tell George that he went on a date with her and stuff and that hopefully he would think he did. Doc worked on some projects and night came. We headed to George's and he was in bed slowly waking up, I went in and acted like Darth Vader again and did the same thing. I told him that he took Lorraine on a date and asked her out. Then he agreed but I had to knock him out again. This time a little less though. Hopefully tomorrow things would work. I would sneak around the school in disguise and watch Lorraine and George. I walked out George's window and jumped off the roof into doc's car. Then we headed back and prepared for tomorrow.

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