Part Nineteen: Accepting Things As They Are

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"Val also told me somethin' else, a story about a Soilder of Fortune? A creature of pure carnage that caught the attention of two Overlords..." He paused before exhaling slowly and shutting his eyes very breifly, unsure if he wanted to finish his question but knowing he had to. "Is he talkin' about you?"

The demon cat's reaction was a picture. A look of shock written in completely wide eyes, his mouth forming a small circle and the sound of the bottle slipping from his fingers then smashing at his feet at the floor. Fortunately the bottle was now empty and no liquid seeped out. The sound seemed to rouse Husk and he groaned heavily, both his ears and wings sagged as his mood turned even more depressive than usual.

"It's true.... I never wanted you to find out like this." He murmured glumly before pausing, frowning slightly then correcting himself. "No, that's a lie. I never wanted you to know full stop."

"Huh? Why not?" Angel frowned a little in confusion, tilting his head a little.

"Look, I've always had a bad temper. Even in life. How do you think I got here in the first place? I was a mercenary solider but I didn't always follow orders. If I felt wronged I went after them, got my vengeance by any means necessary. It's easy when you can drown everything out with alcohol afterwards, believe me. When I arrived here, you bet your ass I was angry. Took my rage out on half this city before Alastor and Vox showed up attracted by my mayhem.." He growled through his shut teeth at the memory. "They both tried to lure me to their causes and at first I didn't want to cave so the mayhem only got worse with them both coming at me with their factions and broadcasting the carnage.. Once they had me pinned they forced me to chose one of them or be erased. So I made the choice to save my skin."

"So what made you pick the Radio Demon?" Angel raised a brow intrigued, the story distracting him from wallowing in his own self-pity and Husk exhaled slowly sagging his shoulders a little.

"Believe it or not, he was the lesser of two evils. Alastor promised to help me quell the beast and only unleash it when he felt it was necessary. Vox wanted the beast to be free to roam. He liked the mayhem and wanted to broadcast the terror for all to see, make some kind of sick twisted game show outta it.. Wasn't really a hard choice." The demon cat replied with a casual shrug, remaining in a state of manic depression and sighing, "So now you know.. You still want whatever this is to continue knowing that beneath my surface lies a dangerous beast?" One long white claw-like finger moved between them as the broken shards of the bottle on the floor remained ignored.

For a moment Angel blinked gazing at the deeply despondent cat demon sitting opposite with some disbelief.

"Whatta ya, shittin' me? I don't give a fuck about the majority of the ugly freaks in this shit-hole of a city! A buncha harlequin-wannabe-babies get killed in the crossfires of carnage then that's their fuckin' problem.." The spider demon snorted in an unconcerned manner before his expression softened and he pushed himself out of the chair he'd been sat in and moved closer to Husk, gripping him around the sides of his grey furred head and forcing the cat demon to look directly into his odd eyes before he spoke in a soft but warm and purposeful voice. "Ya said it yourself, we're all fucked up down here.." The top set of his small hands were stroking the fur on the sides Husk's face gently as the lower set held him still by the shoulders. "I'd be more than happy to be stuck with ya cause your the only one I give a damn about in this fucked up crazy world. Heh, haven't ya noticed? I'm fuckin' in love with ya. Always have been baby." Without even waiting for the demon cat to respond to this Angel pushed his lips against his in an aggressive but insanely passionate kiss.

It took a few moments after this before what the spider demon said truly hit home with Husk. The lithe pale pink spider had actually crawled into his lap, pushed him as far back into the reception chair as he could lean without it tipping before those dark lips finally responded kissing fiercely in return. This caused Angel to let out a moan of satisfaction, his control over the kiss slipping as those long claw-like fingers began to grope his slim frame. When they parted they were breathing heavily, the air around them humming with the static chemistry of their attraction. Angel's forehead was still pressed against his, the fingers of one hand still languidly touching the soft fur around his face.

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