Chapter 22

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Chanwoo's POV

"Are you fucking out of your mind?" I asked Jiwon surprised while he was setting the table for dinner.

"It's only reasonable we'll get to meet your boyfriend properly. It's been over two months."

"But to bring him here? With those two psychos?"

"Relax, they should be out of town for a few days." Hanbin interrupted, "I heard they had plans. They won't even know he was here."

"I don't like it..." I sighed, shaking my head. "I don't think it's a good idea..."

"C'mon Chan." Jiwon pouted. "No harm in bringing him for dinner, besides think about the bright side, you'll get to spend the night with him."

I hit him. It's not that I don't want to have Yunhyeong over.
I'm just... Worried.

I'm definitely not on Jiyong and Seunghyun's good side, and if they'd find out about Yunhyeong they will use it against me.

That's a terrible idea.

"Why won't you ask him at least?" Hanbin asked, stealing a few vegetables from one of the plates. Jiwon scolded him but Hanbin simply smiled, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

"If he'll say yes, we'll check when those two leave and when they come back." Jiwon continued.

I sighed deeply. "Fine."

But if he's coming for dinner it means he'll ask me to come as well.

He's been talking with me for a week now that he wants me to meet his family because that's important for him.

I'm kind of worried about it.
It's not that I don't want to, I'm just not sure if his family will even like me.

"Great! Text him now." Hanbin said in excitement.

"Now? Can't it wait for tomorrow?"

"No, now."

I rolled my eyes and took my phone from the counter, looking for my chat with Yunhyeong.

'Hey, I know it's random. But do you want to come over for dinner?' I texted him.

'My brothers really want to meet you properly.'

Pretty boy: 'Does it mean you'll finally agree to come for dinner at my place?'

'Sure, but you first.'

Pretty boy: 'You sound like a kid. Fine, I'll come first. Just tell me when! I'll let my mom know.'

"He said yes, happy?" I showed Jiwon and Hanbin the chat.

"Pretty boy huh?" Hanbin asked amused.

"Besides that." I said annoyed.

"Our Chan is crushing hard on someone. How adorable." He smiled and messed my hair.
I slapped his hand away.

"C'mon, let's finish with dinner." Jiwon sighed.


"Chan!" Yunhyeong said cheerfully as I opened the front door. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

God, he's just so adorable.

I made Hanbin and Jiwon promise they won't do something to scare him and hid any possible weapon he might find by accident.

We also made sure about five times that Jiyong and Seunghyun won't be back today or tomorrow.
I hope this will go well.

"Hey, Yunhyeongie." I smiled back at him, letting him into the house. "I'm happy you could make it."

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