being quarantined

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quarantine with jb would be suuuper laid-back. on one hand, he was hesitant to be locked up for so long, but then he realized that, as long as he was with you, he was happy. you two spend lots of time cuddling and catching up, and jb finally gets to relax a little bit.

being quarantined with mark would definitely be interesting. he spends a lot of time being clingy and cuddly, because when he's working he doesn't get to that often. you really just spend time growing even closer as a couple, through movie nights, dinner experiments, and more.

at first, jackson is baffled. two months locked in the house??? but then, he realized he could use it to his advantage and show you how much he truly loved you. he worked on cooking more and doing other household chores, just to give you a long-deserved break.

right from the start, he was excited. it meant finally getting a little vacation, plus being able to spend it with you. you two hardly maintain a normal sleep schedule, watching movies and binging shows until the sun starts to rise.

he would be relieved. he hasn't been able to spend a lot of time with you recently, and you're basically each other's safe haven. you two spend a lot of time cuddling and sleeping in, soaking up intimate moments just between the two of you. no teasing, no paparazzi, just love.

quarantine with bambam would never get boring. you two are constantly playing board games, just dance, watching disney, cooking new foods, etc. he even (unsuccessfully) tries teaching you how to rap. also; sleep schedule? don't know her. you and bambam pull consistent all-nighters.

yugyeom really takes this time to work on your guys' relationship. he feels bad his career is getting in the way, so he does little gestures to show he loves you. breakfast in bed, renting your favorite movies, anything he can do to show you he still cares. 

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