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When I wake up I'm in a room that is not familiar. I've been placed in a bed. Sitting up, I remember how I came to be here. Ivory... How was she alive? I shake the thoughts from my head. I have to try and get out before I think about anything else. I get out of the bed. There are two doors in the room but no windows. One door leads to a windowless bathroom and the other it locked. Gives me an excuse to burn something. I go over to the second door and hold out my hand but nothing happens. I sigh, sitting on the floor against the opposite wall. They must have an enchantment on the room. There must be some way to get out. I have to get back to Fairytail.

The door opens and my head snaps up and I stand, ready to fight. Ivory walks into the room. I falter but then fly for her. I freeze in the air. This magic, I've seen it before..... No it can't be him. Ivory comes up to me, taking a lock of my fiery hair in her hand. "It'd make it so much easier if you just complied. It'd also make this experience nicer." I spit in her face, grimacing. "Get your filthy hands off me, traitor!" She scowls, raising her hand to me. "Why you little...." She stops, interrupted by someone entering the room. "Now now, Ivory, there's no need for that." My eyes go wide, my heart pounding in my ears. The word leaves my mouth before I even remember willing it to. "Dad....." A smile crosses his face. "Hello, (Y/N) my dear. Its been too long."

He let's me go and I drop to the ground harshly, causing me to wince. I sit up but don't stand. I look up at them both. I have so many questions but I don't ask them. These aren't the people I lost, those people would never affiliate themselves with a dark guild. My father crouches infront of me, looking into my eyes. His face softens as he smiles. "You look so much like Ariella. She'd be so proud." I glare at him. "You think she'd be proud? Proud of a husband and daughter who gave away everything to be part of some pathetic dark guild! You're crazy. She'd be ashamed to even be associated with you!" There is a loud crack and I'm staring at the wall next to me, my cheek burning and my eyes wide. His voice drips with venom as he speaks. "I've not seen you for so long and THIS is how you greet me? You're a disgrace of a daughter. I took the time to send your sister to get you when I didn't have to. I made sure she didn't hurt your friends when I didn't have to. I even gave you a room rather than a cell when I didn't have to and THIS is how you repay my kindness?" He sighs and stands. "Put her downstairs. She can earn her comforts here." My heart aches as Ivory drags me out of the room. No matter how hard I try I can't use any of my magic and I'm not strong enough to beat her. She practically throws me on the floor before fastening my wrists into shackles on the wall. I keep my head down to the floor, the feeling of hopelessness creeping into me. I hear Ivory laugh, her voice filled with ice. "How pathetic, the renowned Pheonix of Fairytail is in a hopeless heap thanks to me. You gave in easier than I expected, I thought you of all people would be the embodiment of Fairytail spirit with the whole shpeel about never giving up because your family at Fairytail will always find you. Well news flash, they aren't coming, trust me. Even if they did there's no way they'd get in. Even your little boyfriend can't get past the barriers." I look up at her, tears overflowing my eyes. "Why, Ivory? Why have you done this?" My heart stops as a look I've never seen before crosses her face. A look that can only be described as pure evil. "Because, blood means nothing when you have a strong enough motive. You know, I was intending on leaving you here without bothering you but seeing as you're being so pitiful, I'm going to have some fun." With the a searing pain encompasses my whole body. I grit my teeth, I will NOT let her get the best of me. Not now, not ever. They will come for me. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, they'll find me. They'll bring my home. I hear Ivory getting angrier and angrier as the pain gets worse and worse. I look up and there are a variety of stones floating around her. A smirk curves her lips. "Come on (Y/N), all you've got to do is give me a few good screams and I'll leave you alone.... For a bit." I clench my fists as I stare her down. "You're not gonna get away with this.... They'll come for me.... And they'll stop you." She laughs before sending the rocks hurtling towards me. I turn my head slightly and stifle the cry in my throat as I feel them all hit me at once. I look back at her, feeling warm blood trickle from some of the contact sights. I chuckle lazily. "That's not..... Gonna work... So.... Give up." She looks like she's about to say something before storming out. I slump against the shackles, letting the tears fall down my face. I know they'll come for me but.... I hope they hurry.

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