Please Let Me Make It Up To You

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Once I'm sober and I've rested I feel a little better. The guilt still weighs heavily on my chest. Natsu has stayed with me for a few days. I don't know why and I never asked. It makes me happy that he's not left. It makes my house feel less lonely. I've finally decided how I'm going to apologise to everyone. I wake up in the morning with something heavy on my feet. I look down, realising it's Natsu who's curled up to sleep at the end of my bed. I smile before realising that his fingertips are gently touching mine. Did we sleep like that all night? My cheeks grow warm again. What the hell? Why does my heart beat like this at such small things? I carefully move my feet from under him and stand. Hopefully I can get dressed before he wakes up. I turn my back to him and unbutton my night shirt, letting it fall from my shoulders to the floor. "(Y...... Y/N)?" Out of instinct I turn, humming in response. His cheeks go bright red and his eyes go wide. Mine do also when I realise. I scream and cover myself "Get out!" He scrambles off the bed before running out of the room. I crumble to the carpet under my feet. He saw.... He saw my..... But he must have seen them before anyway. WHAT ARE YOU DOING DON'T THINK OF THAT! I shake my head to get the thought out of my head. I let out a breath before standing and getting dressed. I run my hand through my hair and smile. The ends of my hair have begun to resemble my flames again. I head out of my room after making my bed. I have a long day ahead.

I apologise to Natsu once I leave my room. Natsu shrugs it off. "So, what's this big plan you were talking about last night?" I smile and grab a bottle of water from my fridge. "I'm gonna throw a garden party for all our friends at Fairytail. It's a way for people to relax and enjoy themselves and also for me to apologise. I'm also going to offer my help on jobs for free so they can take the reward and I won't take a cut." He nods. I take a drink from my bottle before grabbing my purse. "Could you and Happy go let all of our friends know to come here at 5? You don't have to come back and help after that if you don't want to. I want you to be able to enjoy this as well." He stands, resting his hand on my shoulder. "I don't mind helpin', (Y/N). As long as there's a cake and I get the biggest piece." I chuckle and smile. "Of course. Anyway, I've got a bunch of shopping to do. I'll see you soon okay. You've been a great help considering you're a flame brained nutcase." I laugh and head out before he can throw an insult back.
After quite a bit of shopping and ordering and decorating the kitchen and garden were ready for the party. All the food was on covered platters, there were bottles of different drinks ready both alcoholic and none and I'd turned on the outdoor garden lights. Once the sun sets it'll look super nice out there. I let out a breath. I hope everyone likes it. I head upstairs and get ready in my favourite, however short, (f/c) party dress. I look in the mirror at the bottom of the stairs and smile before heading into the garden to make the last few tweeks to the party.

As I'm stocking the fire pit with wood and paper I hear a familiar group of voices. I turn. Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Mira, Elfman, Cana, Master Makarov and everyone else from the guild are stood at the gate to my yard looking around my yard. I stand up and smile at them. "Thank you all for coming. I wanted to try and do my best to apologise to everyone for the way I've acted this past week. You were all just trying to look out for me and I was so rude and hurtful to you. I want you all to know that I'm so so so sorry and I really hope that you'll all forgive me. I also decided that, to really show how sorry I am, I'm going to offer my help to anyone who needs it on jobs without taking a reward for the next few weeks. So without further adue, have fun, drink and be merry! I love you all!" With that a cheer erupts through them all as they move further into my garden. I head over to Lucy and ask if I can speak to her. She smiles, nodding. "look, I wanted to personally say sorry to you. After I woke up the other day Natsu told me that I made you cry. And I wanted you to know how sorry I am. I don't ever want to hurt you like that again and I hope you'll forgive me. I understand if not though and I don't blame you." I look down at my feet. I'm scared to look at her face. I feel her arms go round me as she hugs me tightly. I'm shocked at first but hug back, smiling. I hear her voice in my ear. "You were hurting. I completely understand why you were upset. So don't blame yourself. I'm perfectly fine and of course we can still be friends." I smile. My family at Fairytail is the best.

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