Chapter XXXI

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Freak wakes up, feeling more tired and drained than he ever had before. He feels a warm drop of liquid on his forehead as he wakes up. "the hell?" He sits up and looks around. He sees nothing in the area. He gets up and starts to put his boots on when he feels another drop on the back of his neck

looking up, Freak is horrified, but what he sees

Axel was standing right in front of him, as if he were alive, aside from the blood pouring out of his mouth, and wounds all over his body.

Freak screams, and falls back down on his bed. "how's it going, been a while huh?" Axel said smiling, showing his broken and bloody teeth.

"How... but you died, I saw you die in my arms!" Freak asked, shaking

"Yeah, that's right, I died. I'm still dead, but look who's alive and kicking? you even made friends with my brother. do you plan on killing him too?" Axel asked in a sickly sweet tone

"what? no, I'd never hurt Nathan!"

Axel leans close and whispers into Freak's ear "that's sweet... but what about when he hurts you? You know he will. That hug? Just a method of deception, he'll kill you. Hell, even I woulda killed you, Dominic."

Freak screamed and tried to shove Axel away, all his hands felt was air. He opened his eyes, and Axel was gone.

Nathan walked into the room and saw Freak sitting on the bed, sweating and hyperventilating. "Didn't sleep well?" He asked

Freak heard Axel again "see, he's here to kill you. h's hiding a knife in his boot right now. he was gonna kill you in your sleep, all he'd have to do was claim that he was brainwashed by the Yiga and he would get off. don't worry, I'll protect you, despite your failure to protect me!"

Axel drew his sword, it was rusted and chipped. He raised his sword as if to stab Nathan

"Freak? You in there?" Nathan asked, puzzled

"No, stop!" Freak lunges but doesn't make it in time before Axel's blade ran Nathan through

Nathan grunted as blood started pouring out from his wound

"look, he's wounded. finish the job." Axel teased

Freak shook his head.

"Finish the job. Finish the job. Finish the job! Finish the job! Finish the job!!"

"Finish the job..." Freak muttered.

Nathan falls to one knee, landing with a thud that brought Freak back to his senses.

Freak rushes over to Nathan "Are you ok!? we'll get you help. C'mon" Freak helped Nathan up, causing Axel to laugh, and say "He's still got that knife"

"I'll be fine... but what the Hell were you doing!?" Nathan asked. "You lunging like that made me jump and re-open a wound!"

"what the hell are you talking about!? he stabbed you!"

Who stabbed me? That Yiga bastard? Of course, he did, and that was a long time ago. You were there, Freak."

"no! don't you see him!?" Freak pointed at Axel, garnering only a confused and concerned look from Nathan, who replied "I... only see a wall, Freak"

"but he's right there... Axel is there."

"Axel? He's been dead, and I don't see him at all. What's gotten into you?"

Freak quickly let Nathan go, and backed out of the room "he's... right there"

"Bullshit he's there. I'm perfectly fine right now. Besides, why would he kill me? I'm family to him."

"you can't hear him!? He's right there" Freak pointed at Axel, who smiled

"No, I don't hear him. You're just imagining things. This blood here? That's just my stupid wound reopening"

Freak rubbed his eyes and looked up, Axel was gone "Ok.... OK"

"Axel, if you're hearing this, stop distracting Dominic here and go back to sleep. You've done all you can, so stop messing around. Keep doing it, and I'll go back to pushing you around again" Nathan shouted into nothing, and Freak chuckled Nervously

There, that should keep him from apparently bothering you..." Nathan said at length. Freak hurriedly walked out, ignoring Nathan

Freak spends the whole day drinking and hiding from people. Freak sat on a ledge, overlooking the water. Footsteps are heard approaching and freak turns around " hey Nath-"

Axel sits down next to Freak "Not quite who you were expecting huh? well it doesn't matter. you're in a lot of pain, aren't you? I have the perfect fix for that"

Freak tries to get up but Axel grabs him "right off the edge, into the water and take in a lung full of water that'll help"

"no... I don't wanna die, no yet"

"oh yes, you do. no matter how much say otherwise, you know you do. so go." Axel starts to tug on Freak's arm causing him to stumble

"Nathan! anyone!?" Freak loses his footing and falls off the edge into the water.

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