This guy really didn't get it, did he? Of course, I was still the same Champion just minus my memories, but apparently, Kaneli couldn't be convinced I wasn't dead so I didn't bring it up. "All you lack is the sword that seals the darkness." That grabbed my attention, as Impa had said something to me after I met with her in Kakariko about that same sword. "They say the Hylian Champion wielded the sword that seals the darkness that now sleeps in the Lost Woods." There was my answer to my next question which was going to be, where can I find this sword I'm supposed to have. Inside the chest, Kaneli had offered to me was the Great Eagle bow. Revali's Bow he used in combat. I was going to keep this safe, as I would be wrong using it in case it broke or got damaged.

I walked to the hut next to Kaneli to find Teba healing from his burn. "Link! Thank you for bringing down Medoh, it means a lot of me that everyone is safe and the village is no longer under threat. I was the one who suggested we give you the Great Eagle bow, considering seeing how you handled your bow against Medoh. Take it with you on your journey with the resect of the Rito. Well then... My wounds are just about healed, so I guess it's time for me to take Tulin to the Flight Range." A small Rito behind Teba who was the spitting image of him was looking out the window. "I'm hoping Tulin grows up to be a distinguished warrior like Master Revali." I nodded, "take care Teba." he got up and turned to Tulin. Who was ecstatic to go to the Flight Range, I smiled as I walked with the down to Revali's landing where they took off to the Flight Range.

I was deciding where to go next when I really thought about. There were three other races in Hyrule, The Gerudo, The Gorons and The Zora. I was slightly chilly from being the mountain region for so long I wanted to go somewhere hot so I decided the Gerudo desert but I wasn't talking Volcano Death mountain hot and I've said before I'm not fond of water so I think I'll save the Zora till last. I knew it would be quite a long trek to the desert and it wasn't going to be easy. Going back one of the shrines where it all began on the Great Plateau. I picked the one closest to the bottom left of the map as I get have region map for that area yet. I teleported to the Keh Namut shrine and paraglider my way towards the canyons in the distance, the canyons were long and high but I did eventually find a tower to fill up my map so that helped. This the Wasteland tower or that what the Sheikah Slate told me which was fitting as there was a wasteland of sludge surrounding the tower, the guidance stone-filled up my map including most of the desert area. I was so tired and was so glad to find a stable near the end of the canyons. The Gerudo canyon stable it was called where I found my good friend Kass again with yet another ancient song to tell me about.

I got a bed for the night at the stable and told them to wake me in the morning as I would start my trek into the desert sands. The stable was conveniently right at the gateway between the canyons and the Gerudo desert, I felt more refreshed when I woke up and I wasn't as sore from my battle on Medoh I thanked the stable for letting me stay and started to head out into the desert. I could see two places in the distance, so my first instinct was to head there. To the left of the desert was a massive sandstorm, when I could make out the outline of the next Divine Beast. The heat was soon catching up to me I had to take off my tunic and wrap it around my waist from how much I was sweating, tying up hair further out of my face to get the heat off me a little. I managed to get to the first little oasis type place which was alright I mean it wasn't tiny but it was a massive place either. As I walked in the oasis I heard a roar coming from the sandstorm to the left, I could only I assumed it was the Divine Beast crying out as Medoh did.

I found a guard at the entrance who I greeted I was desperate to find out more about the next Divine Beast and guards seemed to know about it in Rito village so I just hope that the guards could help me with the Divine Beast in this region too. "Sav'otta! This is the Kara Kara Bazaar. Gerudo Town is still a fair distance southeast of here It's the biggest town in the area. If you're headed there, you should consider resting a bit. Though, you ARE a voe...Even if you make it to town, you won't be able to get in.....All the same, the Divine Beast is kicking up a storm right now, so I don't recommend going to Gerudo Town. It's famous for trade and also for staying active and vibrant all night long. However, there is a law forbidding voe-males-from entering the city. I nodded, "the Divine Beast?" I asked and the guard looked at me with shock. "You don't know about the Divine Beast Vah Naboris? Supposedly, it is the guardian deity for the Gerudo people, but it suddenly started acting up a while back. There's nothing we can do stop it,'s protected by a fierce sandstorm and intense lighting." She warned me.

"Though it hasn't yet, it could easily head towards Gerudo town or this oasis. I do my best to keep an eye on it from here." I thanked her, she laughed. "Hah. I don't need any thanks. This my job after all." I continued to explore the bazaar and I met with a Goron and a Rito who was also staying in the bazaar. This was a Hylian guy named Robsten near the back of the bazaar who told me that his leader had gone to Gerudo Town to try and figure out how to get inside and he hadn't come back yet, I told him I would go check it out and after a few treks back and forth which included activating a shrine outside Gerudo Town, I found myself back at the bazaar for the third time that day. I'll spare you the details about me meeting with Robsten's leader but long story short he told me that a man had actually snuck into Gerudo Town before. Now that intrigued me, he told me that the guy went back and forth between town and the bazaar so I now found myself asking around the bazaar.

The shop vendors and the innkeeper told me that there is someone who spends a majority of their time on top of the inn so I headed up there and there was indeed a Hylian as they were too light of skin to be Gerudo plus I don't think they were as female as other people thought to believe. I tapped them on the shoulder I could definitely tell this was not a woman, this was a man in women's clothes. "Oh, my. What a lovely young lad you are. Do you need anything from me?" They asked in a squeaky voice which wasn't fooling me easily. "Yeah, I heard from people around the area that a man snuck into Gerudo Town and I'm currently needed in Gerudo Town but obviously I cannot enter because I am a male who is forbidden." I finished, they looked caught off guard like they knew exactly what I was talking about. "What's that? You've heard about a man who that snuck into Gerudo town?" I nodded.

"Oh, I don't know anything about him... Sorry I couldn't be more help." I raised my eyebrows and stared suspiciously at 'her' who laughed. "Hee-hee. You're making my cheeks warm looking at me like that." I decided to play along to see what information I could get. "You're very beautiful!" A blush came across their features. "Oh, such a nice thing to say! And I'm sure you'd agree that these clothes only help my looks, right? Now that I think about it, this style would look quite fetching on you....I'd have to charge you, of course, but I bet people would see you completely differently if you wore them! What do you think? Do you want to buy them for....600 rupees?" I didn't have another choice but to do this if I wanted to get into Gerudo Town and if I wanted to stop the Divine Beast's rampage on this region.

"I'll buy them," I said and they smiled although I couldn't see it much under the mask. They took the rupees and gave me the clothes. I put them on and they weren't were comfortable but they'll do what I need them for. The 'woman' turned back around and squealed at the sight of these clothes on me. "EEEEEE! You look adorable! Ahhh heeheehee.....just as I thought! You make for quite a good looking gal. That's a traditional Gerudo outfit. It's such a well-known look, no one will ever suspect you are a man. Plus the outfit breathes well so it will help deal with the heat." I thanked after they made another few comments and made my way back to Gerudo Town and surprisingly I got in. It worked.

Now I had to get on and find someone who could help me with the next Divine Beast.

Sidlink: My precious pearl (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now