Chapter Four | Weak

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"Isolation becomes you Princess."

"I see sarcasm is still your only personality trait," I link my arm with his as we walk, grinning as he scoffs. "Is there something you need?"

The two of us walk side by side down one of the many halls of the ship, ignoring the confused glances from staff and troopers. I can't really blame them, it has been weeks since I've stepped foot outside of my quarters, or more so, let out of, let alone walking with anyone other than Kylo.

When there was a knock outside my door, it was hard to hide my disbelief to see it was none other than the general himself.

Hux gives a confused stare. "Do I need something to be walking with such a beauty?"

"You do understand who it is you're walking with yes? If I wanted to pry into that mind of yours and find out for myself, I could."

"That will not be necessary," He gulps. "I merely requested your presence so we could have a conversation."

"Are we not conversing right now?" I turn my head in his direction, and he rolls his eyes.

"So the princess does know sarcasm?"

"Mm," I can't help but chuckle. "Fair."

Hux opens the door to a room, holding his hand out to let me enter first. Its a conference room, however all the chairs are empty. The door closes behind us, and the general walks quickly to the end of the table, pulling a chair out.

"What are you doing?" I ask, watching as Hux groans.

"I am being respectful," He points to the chair. "Will you please sit?"

I walk towards him, the tail of my dress trailing behind me. "Did you not call me a harlot around the time we first met?"

Hux chokes on air, stumbling over his words as he takes a seat opposite my own.

"I-I don't believe I did."

"Hm, you did," I laugh. "Not to my face however, but to Kylo."

"I can't say I recall such a thing." He clears his throat, and I raise my eyebrow.

"Funny about that." I sit back in my seat, the cold leather a welcoming feeling against my skin.

"Yes well," He clears his throat again. "I didn't request a meeting with you to discuss past qualms."

"So what did you request me here for? I'm quite surprised really."

"Would you believe me if I said it was because I was worried about you?"

I give him a blank stare, and he cracks a small grin.

"Right, anyway," Hux places his hands on the table, pulling his chair closer. "I have reasons to believe that your life here is danger."


"And as annoying as you are, I don't wish to see you harmed anymore than you have already been."

I don't respond, instead choosing to read Hux's thoughts as he begins to sweat. He's thinking of various things at once, the Supreme Leader, his role as a General, amongst the few.

"What are you trying so hard to not think about?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, I would appreciate it if yo-"

Hux has a quick thought about Kylo and that girl again, before it quickly disappears.

"Who is that woman?" I lean forward quickly.

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