Chapter One | Voices

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Herana Iris

"Leaving me all alone," I breathe out, pain shooting through my ribs. "I might have been able to forgive that, y-you're a busy man after all."

Kylo's eyes are wide, but his gaze does not reach my own. Clutching my wound, blood begins to seep from between my fingers, staining my skin inch by inch. My other hand stays outstretched in front of me, keeping the Commander pinned against the wall of the infirmary.

"But this?" I point to my hair. "You have single handedly rid me of any connection to my past, my lineage. Is this all a game to you?"

I clench my fist, allowing him to speak.

"I had too." His voice comes out shaky, and I chuckle, shaking my head as I do so.

"Spare me your lies! Wairua is nothing but smoke and ash, there is no need for me to hide!"

"You don't understand! You don't understand any of it at all!" Kylo begins to shake, attempting to free himself from my hold. "You are the last of your kind, a princess at that, you will always have a target on your back."

Leaning against an over turned table, I shift my weight, hoping to alleviate the pain. "Do you doubt the First Order? Am I not safe here?"

"No one is ever truely safe Hera," He grits out, still struggling against my hold. "Now let me go."

I release him, watching as his large frame drops roughly onto the debris covered floor.

"Was that necessary?" He stands on shaky legs, brushing the glass off of his black attire.

"Was this necessary!" I lash out, pointing around at the room. My wound begins to throb with each movement, and I sway a little, once again reaching out to the lean on the table.

"I told you Princess, you are a target. Anywhere you go you will be at risk the moment your foot touches the dirt!" Kylo's eyes drift towards my torso again before slowly making their way back to my eyes. "You're still bleeding."

"I'm practically naked too, but you are yet to comment on that. What happened to you in my absence? Finally got that stick out of your as-"

"Stop changing the subject Hera," He interrupts. "You are bleeding, badly. You have completely demolished the infirmary and have scared all the nurses to death in the process."

"I'm just taking after you Master Ren."

His jaw tightens. "I need to help you before you bleed out."

Kylo walks towards me, glass crunching beneath his boots. I shake my head at him. "I don't want your help."

"I wasn't asking." Kylo waves his hand in my direction and I black out instantly, my unconscious self falling to the ground before being caught by Kylo's gloved hands.


Kylo's POV

She looks so peaceful.

She was in pain, but peaceful nonetheless.

Hera shifts a little in her sleep, her breathing finally becoming calm. I brush the hair that has crossed over her eyes away, tucking it behind her ears. This feels familiar.

It's been a fair amount of time since I've seen her, but she still looks as beautiful as the day I first saw her on Wairua. Smiling slightly in remembrance, I pull the blanket up to cover her chest, careful not to touch her freshly stitched wound.

The nurses were beyond terrified of the Princess, and it took a few stern words to have them help her again. They were pleased to find she had been forcefully sedated, making it easy to patch her up and remove the shards of glass from her feet.

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