Chapter 3: Interview

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"Very last door." The three bowed and walked down the long corridor, their footsteps echoed throughout the halls loudly. Jimin was the one who came to a halt first. The three examined the doors nervously and then knocked.

"Open." A rough voice commanded. Jimin opened the door and the three bowed immediately. Seokjin shut the door behind them and the three sat down in the seats in front of the principal. Next to them was a dance floor in which Namjoon assumed Jimin would dance on. Jimin was already staring at the floor in wonder.

"Ah, good morning." Namjoon spoke meekly, looking to Seokjin pleadingly. Seokjin smiled and put a hand on Namjoon's thigh. Namjoon's breath stuttered, looking to the hand on his thigh, to Seokjin, then back to the principal.

"Shall we start?" The principal nodded. Thank god for Kim Seokjin.

The principal moved her papers to the side and began asking questions.

"Give me some background on both of you, this school also regards parents into whether a child should be let in. We believe that school should be a family effort." Namjoon gulped and mustered a response.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, Jimin's biological father and legal guardian. I am an editor for this city's magazine. I work from home and I mostly take care of Jimin. I've been dating Seokjin for a year, and it's a serious relationship however we aren't married yet. Jimin's mother left him when Jimin was born, and I got full custody soon after." Namjoon looked into her eyes, hoping it was enough. The principal nodded approvingly and let out a deep chuckle.

"You basically gave me a background check, which, compared to what the other parents have brought into this room is actually useful. Thank you for providing the information I needed. Now, moving on, how about you?" she gestured to Seokjin. Seokjin smiled charmingly.

"I'm Kim Seokjin, I've been in a relationship with Namjoon for a year. I work as a designer for an entertainment company, it says on my contract I can't classify which company I'm afraid." Namjoon was surprised at how convincing Seokjin's lies were, how easily he played the role of a doting boyfriend. "I live with Namjoon and I also help take care of Jimin." She nodded and grabbed a piece of paper, scribbling short notes onto them.

"Alright, so far, so good." Namjoon thought that he might've cried, or worse, screamed in relief. He would do anything to get his son into that school, and he meant it.

"You gave me the information I needed in one answer, so there are no more questions to be asked. As for Jimin..." Jimin nervously fiddled with his hands, looking to Seokjin and Namjoon.

"You can do this." Seokjin whispered to him. Jimin nodded weakly.

"Perform your dance for me." Jimin stood up and bowed, Namjoon handed him the CD and whispered in his ear.

"I love you Jiminie, you got this." Jimin smiled and walked away, putting the CD into their stereo. Jimin went to his starting position, and his arm rose. The music started playing.

Jimin danced to the beat as if his heart was on fire, his passion was dancing around him, and the principal could see it as well. She could see how Jimin cried when the music came to its climax and he moved his body like she hadn't ever seen a student do before. She had never seen someone who was so emotionally connected with the music before, she hadn't ever seen someone who bonded with the music so much he became it. And it brought her to tears.

Finally, the song ended, and the music died, as did the passion Jimin held in his eyes. He wiped the tears away and stood, bowing to the teacher and sitting in his seat.

"Are you crying?" Namjoon asked bluntly, in a soft voice. Seokjin threw him a glare and gestured to her, sobbing silently.

"I was going to do the other half of the interview..." Namjoon's face contorted into one of confusion. He could see that Jimin's hope was falling, and even Seokjin's was too.

"But screw it. Kid," this time she faced Jimin. "You're in."

Jimin's face broke out into a victorious smile and he hugged Namjoon tightly, arms around his neck. Namjoon stood from his seat and hugged Jimin back, arms around the middle of his back. Namjoon offered an arm to Seokjin, gesturing for him to come in. He smiled and came in, congratulating Jimin in hushed whispers.

Namjoon felt victorious, Jimin was happy, he was happy, Seokjin was happy. He had succeeded in his duty, and it felt brilliant.

He knew what he had to do.

A few minutes later, they were in the car and excitedly talking about the interview.

"After the dance it was: 'Bang! You got in!'" Seokjin exclaimed, Jimin laughed, clapping his hands and holding his stomach.

"Do you guys want ice cream to celebrate?" He could hear Seokjin and Jimin's cheers from the back of the car.

"Alright, alright." He stopped by the local ice cream shop and the three exited, on the hunt for ice cream.

"Can I have chocolate?" Jimin asked. Namjoon nodded.

"It's your day, whatever you want kid." Seokjin flashed Namjoon a smile randomly and Namjoon flushed, walking faster.

"How may I help you?" The employee, a teenage boy by his appearance, looked extremely bored and tired of his day. However, nothing could stop Namjoon now.

"What do you want Seokjin-san?" Seokjin smiled.

"Strawberry please."

"Right, so one chocolate, one strawberry and one cookies and cream." The employee grunted and scooped their ice creams.

"Here you go." Seokjin paid before Namjoon got the chance taking both Namjoon and Jimin by the hand.

"Thank you." The trio walked out, Jimin letting go of Seokjin's hand. Namjoon, however, allowed himself to linger in the warmth of Seokjin's hand, smiling as he ate his ice cream idly, out of sync with everything around him.

He never wanted to leave.

Author's Note: I'm sorry this chapter is so late, I started school and I haven't slept in two days. I'm planning another story also, it's just taking longer than I anticipated to plan is all. 

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