Chapter 14 - Hero names!

Start from the beginning

And with that, the class, one by one, gave names all to be accepted. Eventually Izuku was one of the last few to not have a name, alongside Bakugo, Todoroki and Iida (who had an incredibly conflicted look on his face). Racking his brain, he remembered Tokoyami's name, Tsukuyomi, a Japanese God from an ancient religion.

Swiftly, and, albeit messily, he wrote down the characters before making his way to the front. "Midori Raiko?" Midnight asked Izuku.
"Midori as in green, Raiko for the God of Thunder." He replied, before Midnight nodded and he returned to his seat. He could hear Iida's pen squeaking as the boy finally, if somewhat stressfully, decided on a name. But not before Bakugo had given it his first shot. 

"King Explosion Murder." Bakugo proclaimed.
"Man, that's way too violent!" Kirishima exclaimed, to which Midnight nodded.
"Indeed, try something else." Midnight told Bakugo, who simply glared at everyone and returned to his seat with a huff.

Eventually everyone, bar Bakugo, had come up with some kind of name, and after that Aizawa-sensei woke back up and Midnight left. "Alright, now that you have your hero names I will come around and hand out the internship paperwork. Please have one filled out by the end of the day and return it to me. Class is dismissed for lunch." He said, before leaving the room with his sleeping bag under one arm.

Bakugo was in a generally grumpy mood as a result, and the teachers had said that if he could not come up with a name they would for him, or he could resort to his own name such as Iida and Todoroki had.

As a result, anyone who either valued their life or was not Izuku steered clear of the explosive blond. Apparently, there was someone who was both the former and not the latter, that being Kaminari. "Hey Bakugo! Why don't you call yourself Explodo?" The boy called out, whilst everyone was socializing in various groups. Bakugo visibly twitched, and Izuku placed a firm hand on Bakugo's shoulder. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD I DO THAT YOU DUMB-ASS OF AN EXTRA?!" Bakugo screamed, the only reason Kaminari not being out cold was probably Izuku. Nevertheless, Kaminari persevered, "Well it describes both your quirk and your personality."

Izuku simply blinked. Kaminari was either incredibly dumb, or had a death wish. Speaking of that death wish, Izuku was watching his brother igniting his quirk and small explosions in his hands. "See? You're only proving my point!" Kaminari continued.
"Kaminari. What are you doing?" Izuku asked.
"Just giving an honest suggestion. Why?"
"Nothing. Just run." Izuku replied, before taking his hand off of Bakugo's shoulder and walking away.

Bakugo, in response, stomped over to the electricity user and gripped the boy's collar tightly. "ALRIGHT YOU FUCKING EXTRA! YOU WANNA G-" Bakugo screamed, before being cut off by Yaoyorozu.
"How about Ground Zero?" She suggested.
"What about it?" He replied, beginning to lift the now tearful Kaminari in the air.
"As a hero name! Like the centre or starting point of a powerful explosion, such as the ancient nuclear explosions used in World War II against Japan!" She replied.

Bakugo blinked, a little confused by the history knowledge, turning to Izuku for clarification, who simply nodded in confirmation. Bakugo dropped Kaminari, who promptly kissed the ground, and turned towards the raven-haired girl. She gulped nervously, and was on the edge of turning tail and fleeing the blond boy's harsh glare when he grunted in response. "Sure. It's better than this fucking dunce's idea." Bakugo replied, turning back towards Izuku.

Yaoyorozu let out a sigh of relief and turned back to conversation with Jiro, who decided to tease the raven-haired girl.

This was unbeknownst to Izuku, who was talking to his brother as they had now settled on their hero name and internship location. "Best Jeanist?" Izuku asked, trying his best not to laugh as he had read online about what had happened to some students who had interned there.
"Yeah." Bakugo replied, "He's the strongest of the heroes who sent me an internship request, so I look forward to learning from the strong!"
"Yeah, you do that," Izuku snickered before quickly turning away as to prevent his brother from retaliating. "Iida! Who are you going to internship with?"
"Hm... probably the Normal Hero: Manual in Hosu. Have you decided yet Izuku?" Iida replied, with a thin smile and ignoring the Bakugo who was raging slightly in the background.
"No, I'm thinking maybe Hawks but there's just so many to choose from." Izuku replied, "What about you Uraraka?"
"Well, I'm lacking in combat so maybe Gunhead Martial Arts..." Uraraka replied, sifting through her few papers.

And if Izuku knew that Bakugo liked the name Yaoyorozu had given him, he didn't mention it.

Eventually the end of the day came, and Izuku, along with his classmates, had all submitted their internship forms, and Aizawa-sensei looked ever-so-slightly more irritated than usual (evidently, he was not looking forward to the excessive amount of paperwork that came with this part of the year) and he dismissed them all. Izuku still had a fair amount of energy and Bakugo was as irritable as ever, but on the way home the two of them interacted as uniquely as only they could, with insults, teasing, death-threats and compliments (no surprises for who gave what), and once they returned home they informed their mother what happened. 

She, ever-so-lovingly, told them the house would be "perfectly quiet without you two causing a fucking ruckus" as she made the boys help her make dinner and set the table, before eating with them and allowing them to do "whatever the fuck it is you kids do whilst not being hooligans".

The two promptly left the room as to not aggravate her as they went to their respective rooms with the intent of studying various subjects, before both completed their nightly routines and retired to the comfort of their respective sheets for the night.

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