Callen - Not Faking It - Pt 3

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The kiss that first night had been a 3 weeks ago and neither one of us had spoken about it. The following morning, Callen had pretended it had never happened. It had broken my heart, but I didn't say anything and we went back to how we were like beforehand, laughing and joking and poking fun at each other. We hadn't shared anything that intimate since and despite my best efforts, I couldn't forget what had happened.

We had just sent Eric and Nell the incriminating evidence I had found in the Fox's system when I decided to talk to him about it. He was in the bedroom, packing, when I approach him.

"We need to talk," I says.

"About what?" he asks, pausing his packing to look up at me.

"About that first night." Callen stiffens and turns away from me, continuing to pack his bag.

"What about it?"

"We can't just not talk about." I watch the muscles in his back tense underneath his shirt. He doesn't say anything. I say softly, "I need to know."

"Need to know what?" His voice was strained and tense. I begin regretting my need to have this conversation. I almost didn't want to ask.

"Who was I kissing?" My voice was quiet. He pauses, still not looking at me. He is quiet for a long moment. I almost thought he wouldn't answer but he let out a long breath.


It was the answer I was expecting, but it hurt anyway.

"That's all I wanted to know," I say softly. I was glad he wasnt looking at me. Otherwise he would have seen the tear roll down my cheek. I turn and step into our bathroom, locking the door behind me. He calls my name, but he stops when his phone begins ringing. I listen to him answer through the door. It was Eric. They speak for a minute and I let the tears silently fall down my cheeks. I listen to Callen hang up and there is a silence before he gently knocks on the bathroom door. I don't speak.

"Kensi, Sam and Deeks are on their way to arrest Everett and Lucinda," he says softly. I exhale softly before stepping away from the door and turn the shower on.

I stand under the hot water for a long while, letting the it wash over me and mix with the tears on my face. I finally turn off the water and step out of the shower. I dry myself before realising I didn't have any clean clothes. I wrap the towel around my body and step up to the door. I stop, my hand on the handle and consider what I was doing.

Before I could second guess myself, I open the door. I find our clothes were all packed into suitcases but Callen nowhere to be seen. I pause, listening to the house, but it was silent. I look at the neatly made bed and see a set of clean clothes with a note. I pick up the note and read it, using one arm to keep the towel around my body.

'I've gone for a run. Be back soon.' It was in Callens familiar handwriting. I knew he could be out running for hours before he returned. I look at my packed bags and the empty walk-in and my heart ached. I push down my emotions and dress quickly. I found myself standing in the living room with the note in my hand, looking out the window and waiting for Callen to return from his run.

Someone grabs me from behind. I struggle as a cloth clamps around my mouth and nose. I don't remember passing out.

When I woke, I was bound to a chair in a large warehouse. Fear settles into my stomach.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake," someone to my right says. I turn and see a man I recognised. The Foxs head of security, Mitch, was prowling towards me, the financial advisor, Benson, leaning against a table.

"Good afternoon, Adelaide," Benson says. "But thats not youre real name, is it?"

"Just like Jack isn't your husbands real name," Mitch says, stepping behind me before appearing on my left. "That is, if he really is your husband."

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