Chapter 18: Letting go of My Future Husband

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Naruko P.O.V

I was backed up against the wall of an alleyway. There was nowhere for me to run. In just a matter of seconds, I was about to be beaten and robbed.

As long as Sakura-chan is okay...I can make it through this...

"Heh, I guess it is true, all blondes are dumb," laughed the man before me as he approached with his two minions, "You really outdid yourself by running to a dead end."

I chuckled nervously as I reached into my skirt pocket to hold onto the pepper spray Sasuke had packed for me.

"Who said I didn't plan to end up here?!" I bluffed.

The three men looked at each other then laughed. "Oh please, you're just some dumb kid that can't keep their mouth shut, and now you're gonna get what's coming for you."

As the man lifted his fist to hurt me, I took out the pepper spray from my pockets and used it against the villans. The man cried as he held his eyes in pain. "You little bitch!" he yelled angrily.

The two other men with him quickly came to his aid, giving me a chance to run away. I was almost out of the alley when I felt a hand grab onto my long pigtails.

I yelled in pain as I was pulled back by the force yanking my hair. Falling to the ground, I scrapped my knees. The pain on my knees and the force holding my hair made it almost impossible for me to get back up.

I can't give up, I need to try and escape!

I raised my hand to pepper spray the man again, but he knocked the spray out of my hand with a violent hit. My eyes widened in fear as I saw their menacing stares. I'm scared...Sasuke me!

A tear slowly left my eyes while I closed my eyes, preparing for the impact. Sasuke...

I waited for a pain that never came.

"Don't touch my wife."

Tears rolled down my face as I watched Sasuke defend me. His movements were as elegant as the way he danced, dodging, and hurting those who tried to harm me. In a matter of minutes, he had taken down all three men.

"Tch, I had watched you all day, and the one moment I think you're going to go back to the hotel and that you're safe, here you are causing trouble again like an idiot!" He scolded angrily.

I was speechless and unable to believe Sasuke was actually here. I thought he was at home, yet somehow he was standing right in front of me.

He picked up his black cap and shades from the floor, putting them back on. His face was dirtied by a punch the man gave him, and blood ran from his lip. Instead of asking the many questions I had, I stood up from the floor and hugged him.

I sobbed loudly into his chest, holding him tightly. I didn't want to let him go. This could be the last time I would ever hold him before he returned to the future.

"Naruko...are you okay?" he asked softly while holding me in his arms.

I continued to cry as his hold on me tightened. "Please...just let me stay like this for a while longer..."

I had many questions, but for now, I just wanted to be held by him.


We sat on the flight of stairs that led to the hot spring. Sakura had texted me to know if I was okay. She had been covering for me, saying I went to the hot springs early and that I would meet everyone soon.

"You sure you're a hundred percent okay?" Sakura asked worriedly over the phone

"Yeah, don't worry Sakura-chan, I'll be there soon."

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