"Okay! Sheesh! Someone's cranky." Jack mocked him, but it was pretty clear that Zayn was in no mood to be mocked. All this hard work to get to know her better and the jerk rains all over his parade. Bloody dickhead.

The movie starts playing starting from how Katniss's life was with Gale around the Seam. Jack's mind was occupied by her, he remembered thinking of how pretty she was when they met in the café or when she came here for the first report. At this point he wasn't even looking at the movie. She looked so perplexed, so consumed in the movie. She'd flinch every time someone would be killed and her eyes would go wide in anticipation of what was about to happen next. Cute, no doubt in that.

She suddenly felt awkward, as if she could feel his stare on her. You know, that moment when you just know that someone is looking at you. She turns to him and catches him looking at her.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Because you're beautiful." He was hoping she's notice the TFIOS just like Zayn did. She didn't. She just rolled her eyes thinking of how cocky he was being.

"Shut up and just watch the damn movie and do not disturb me."

There was a smirk on Zayn's face, he was happy about her outburst at Jack. The smirk didn't go unnoticed by Jack though. That that was the moment when a silent war was announced between the two of them.

The movie was finally over as the last scene of Seneca Crane and the poisonous berries were shown.

"That was epic!" Zayn mused, "I'm sure you didn't regret it, did you Julie?" Again, he used that name again, and once again she felt a kind of a weird feeling she couldn't quite put a finger to.

Jack, on the other hand, was pretty annoyed. Why were they on pet-name's basis?

"Yeah, it was pretty great. Does it have a sequel or something?" she asked standing up.

"Yeah, it had two sequels and the third one will be up sometime next year." Jack replied.

"Do you want to watch them? I mean the sequels." Zayn asked.

She wanted to, she really did. The movie was amazing, and she wanted to know what happens later. But her self-conscious self was repeating some thing over and over again, 'you can't spend too much time with these boys Augustine, the outcome will not be good.'

"Umm... okay fine." She said. She could just feel her self-conscious self going tsk tsk tsk over her.

"Cool, we can watch them tomorrow!" Jack jumped in making Zayn roll his eyes. He wanted to protest, but Julie spoke instead. "Okay, I'll take my leave now."

"Wait, I'll drop you." Zayn interrupted, "It's getting dark, and you can't walk alone."

Actually it wasn't that dark, it was about 6:30, so the streets were still busy. But even if it was really dark, there was no way in hell that she would let anyone drop her. There was no way she'd let anyone see where she lives. Absolutely unacceptable.

"No, I'm going on my own." She said quickly grabbing her bag.

"No, Julie! I'll drop you on my bike you'll reach in no time. I'm sure you have some studying to do." Zayn tried to use the 'studying' excuse for her to agree.

"No, I'm fine. You guys can just mind your own business." She snapped at them walking over to the door.

"Juliana, I can walk you. I was thinking of going out for a walk anyway." Jack stepped in.

"Why can't you just walk somewhere else? I like to be alone when I walk." She said, this time trying not to snap.

"Okay, how about I walk with you, but I won't talk. You won't even know I'm there." Zayn suggested.

"How about you just fuck off?" now it was Jack's turn to smirk.

"You know what? I don't care. I'm walking with you and you can't stop me." Zayn said grabbing a jacket lying on his bed.

"I don't want you to walk me! Why can't you guys fucking understand?" she yelled, "I am perfectly capable of protecting myself! Just go and do whatever the hell you guys do and leave. Me. Alone."

"Like I said Julie, you can't do anything about it." Zayn said zipping his jacket. "C'mon let's go."

She was frantically thinking of something. Anything that could get his off his back. This can't be happening. Just...no. Shit! Think Juliana...... Make up an excuse.

"I'm coming too, I'll get bored anyways." Dammnit Jack! Why does he have to rain on Zayn's parade all the time.

But that's when she admitted defeat. There was no loophole now. She should have taken the offer when professor Radcliffe offered to switch Jack with the horse-shit guy.

She slumped her shoulder turning around to find her shoes. Once she found her duck-taped shoes, she quickly slid them in and made her way out. Zayn placed his hand on her lower back guiding her out.

Juliana seemed to have lots of weird experiences today. First, the warm feeling when Zayn called her 'Julie' and now, this weird feeling she had when Zayn touched her lower back. It was as if the part under her shirt where Zayn had his hands was burning under his touch, as if her entire body was hyper aware of where his hands were, it made her ridiculously self-conscious.

She stepped away, trying to maintain an arm's distance from him. she didn't want to feel that way again.

They walked in silence. The two boys walked behind her on either side, both wishing that the other one wasn't there. Brighton gets it's name for being the city in entire England that recieves the most sunlight. But that doesn't mean it's not cold. It's England after all.

Jack couldn't help but notice how Julie had her arms wrapped around herself tightly with gritted teeth. Their breaths fogged up the air as they walked and she was shivering. She should have brought a jacket or something.

Without a second thought, Jack unzipped his jacket and flung it around her, leaving him only in a sweater. He didn't mind though. Knowing that she was warm weirdly seemed to give him a bit of a warm feeling too. Besides, she looked cute with her slighly pink cheeks, her lips were turning purple and she was shivering time to time. And the jacket looked cute on her, it looked extra large on her, like a cat inside a jute sack.

Julie didn't deny him. as much as she wanted to, she couldn't. Because, well let's face it, she was two seconds away from turning into a pop-sickle. She wrapped the jacket tightly around herself mumbling a quick 'Thank you'. The jacket instantly warmed her up. It wasn't just the heat, it was the smell of Jack's cologne that surrounded her, a mixture of Mahogany and old books... she'd definitely have second thoughts on returning it.

Zayn was cursing himself the whole time.

Hey reached a narrow lane. "I'm almost there. You guys can go." Her last attempt to stall the inevitable.

"We're here already, might as well drop you." Well, she tried.

The lane was silent, only a couple houses around. Their pace became a bit slow, but Julie's quickened. She reached a door and sqeaked it open. Both the boys were awed. They stared at the door in shock. Julie didn't dare look back. She just walked making her way to the porch and opened the door vanishing inside.

The two of them just stood there, not speaking a word as they stared at the massive board that was placed on the front door.

St. John's Orphanage.


DUN! DUN!! DUN!!!!

Warning: the next updates might ta ke bit since my exams are coming. I know you guys want longer chapters but, I am trying to update every other day and it will take longer to type and I won't be able to. But I will try making it longer. :)

Ps Dedication to the birthday girl! AKA, Evelyn Gustin from MTB.


Nivi XX

Juliana |Z.M| |A.U| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now