"after their shifts they where blocked by those gangs on the alleyway and they fought against those dweebs and after that they were quickly arrested but when we all gotten to P'Kit's house, everything was messy and some of their stuff where broken but the valuable things they have, it wasn't missing nor stolen" Ming stated and I was confused why did the burglar didn't take any of their precious stuff??

"we reported this to the police but they still don't have any update yet" Ming added...

"is there anything I could do or what it's a traumatic event for me to both Nong Yo and Nong Kit, maybe I could prepare a box of cake from them...." I recommended then Ming nodded at me. I quickly prepare a black forest cake and I also packed some ice cream to them too...

"here! I hope you don't mind giving to them" I said...

"no worries and also thank you for the food" Ming said happily...

"uhm sorry about what happened at the party" Ming said while he adjusting his tie...

"let's just forget about that and here, for you..." then I offered him a bag of mini donuts...

"thank you and I really appreciate these things..." Ming cheered then I chuckled...

"even though I hate you from the start maybe I don't have any right to judge you very quickly but anyways from what I've said earlier, let's just forget those things..." then Ming offered me a handshake and I gave him one. After a while, we closed the café early since Ai'Pha will manage some stuffs about the café. Ai'Pha and Nong Adam are the only ones who are working today. I was kinda nice today, don't I?

"Ai'Beam, We need to recruit the other employees to our crew..." P'Pha suggested while we are walking at a street...

"well definitely since there's a lot of things we need to update right now in the café" I replied...

"but honestly Ai'Pha did you know what happened to Nong Yo and Nong Kit" then Phana shook his head and I quickly whispered what happened to them...

"WHAT?! WHY DID NONG YO DIDN'T MENTION ABOUT THIS?" then I rolled my eyes at him with a sly smile...

"just go talked to him and anyways I will contact the other employees to our crew if they are available for work. My little sister Chuu is already available! she told me that she wants to comeback at the café" I said happily but Ai'Pha didn't reply, this giant rascal he is having a drama moment again!

"gonna go first Phana! go home safely and don't do anything stupid along the way!" then I ruffled his hair and went home afterwards...


Wayo's POV

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! some cake for me!" then someone smacked me behind!

"first we need to cut these in 5 slices alright?" P'Kit said then I pouted...

"but honestly Ming, you shouldn't accept the cake though, it's kinda embarassing to Boss Beam" P'Kit said then P'Ming raises a finger to him...

"it will be rude if I turned down the offer and also P'Beam really insisted, he is very worried to the both you" P'Ming said then P'Kit just sighed..

"uhm Sir Yo-" then I stopped Auntie Knit with my hand..

"just call me Wayo Auntie Knit! don't call me sir" then Auntie Knit chuckled...

"I think your phone is ringing a lot of times in your room, maybe you need to check that" Auntie Knit said then I quickly dashed to my room. DAMN! who is this damn person calling me again and again-

"P'Pha?" I muttered while his ID appearing at my phone...

"maybe P'Pha knew what happened to us yesterday! damn it! I forgot to tell this to P'Ming to not share any info to P'Pha!" I said sadly then I'm hesitating to answer the call...

"WAYO! just answer it! there's no need to be shy alright" I cheered to myself then I quickly grabbed my phone and answered it...

"hello P'Pha?" I said-

"I thought we are friends?" P'Pha said coldly..? wait what? what's happening????

"is there something wrong Phi?" I asked but he is not answering...


"Nong Yo?" then I saw P'Kit standing at the door...

"hug me please?" then I open my arms widely and P'Kit quickly jumps at the bed...

"what's wrong Nong Yo? you usually do this whenever you are upset" P'Kit said while he is hugging me...

"I think P'Pha is mad at me, he questioned me if we are friends but he just turned down the call" then P'Kit ruffled my hair and gave me a pecked to my forehead...

"maybe you both have a little misunderstanding huh?" P'Kit asked then I shrugged...

"I don't know it makes me anxious whenever I have some conflicts with the people I cared about..." I said sadly then P'Kit just patted my shoulder...

"you can atleast talk about this to Mr. Kongthanin maybe more communication will be the answer to your problem" P'Kit advised to me...maybe I need to talk about this to P'Pha...

"let's go downstairs to eat some cake and later we will thank Boss Beam for those food..." P'Kit said then we quickly went downstairs and eat some cake. I just wanna clear my mind about this!



"Hello guys! sorry for the late update! hope you guys enjoy this chapter! fighting!"

Stayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें