Chapter 1

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Hi I'm sam and I'm a little. I live with the roommates but I usually just hang out with Colby. He is my favorite.. don't tell anyone! "Sammy, I got you icecream." I jumped from my thoughts and ran to colby. "Colby," I giggled jumping on his shoulders and taking the icecream from his hands. "If you spill that I will make you clean it up,"Elton yelled from the living room. I giggled knowing that Elton would only make Colby clean it up. "Can we play a game," I asked shyly. Colby smiled and nodded. "What do you want to play." I think and I think of what to play.

"Can we play run," I ask. "What's run." I giggle and run. He laughs and chases me. I run as fast as I can away from Colby. When I get to colbys bedroom I hide under the bed. He is never going to find me! "Sammy.. where are you." I cover my mouth trying not to giggle. Colby then looks all over his room except under the bed. He walks out of the room and turns the light off. I realize how dark it is and start to cry. "C-colby come back." Colby then comes running in to the room. "I'm so sorry sammy. I didn't know you were in here. Come here," he says and pulls me out from under the bed.

"I-it was really d-dark." Colby nods and hugs me. "Shhh. I love you sammy." I look up at him. Colby told me he loved me! Wait what is love.. I need to ask aunt Corey! "I love you too colby," I say still not sure of what it meant. Tomorrow I'm going to ask corey what love is!


I told Sam I loved him! I know Sam doesn't know what love means but I'm going to show him. "Colby. Can you help me change ," he asks shyly and I nod. "Can I wear your clothes." I then turn around to look at him. "They are comfortable," Sam says and I nod pulling out a t-shirt and some leggings because some times sam gets really cold and wakes me up In  the middle of the night, to tell me that he needs leggings.

"Colby, one more thing," Sam says and I smile. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight. I'm scared of the dark and I know there is a night light in my room but I'm too scared." I smile at his cuteness. "Of course you can. Let's get you to bed." He giggles once I pick him up. "Colby can you cuddle with me," sam asks shyly. I nod and put him on the bed. "Goodnight Sammy," I say once I'm in bed about to fall asleep. When Sam doesn't say it back I look over his shoulder and he is fast asleep. I kiss his forehead and went to sleep.

Hope you liked this chapter.. this kinda of thing is new to me.

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