☠Nash Grier☠

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☠y/n =Your name ☠

Nash has never been that type of guy to get tattoos, but he is that kind of guy who would smoke, you had no idea about his smoking until one day you made a visit to his house.
You have been best friend with Mahogany and you care about the boys as if they were your family.
You walked into Nash's house and your nose was soon greeted by the smell of smoke,you then turn and see Nash sitting on his couch with a cigarette in his hand,you quickly run and slap his hand, the cigarette goes flying out of his hand, it lands on the ground and you step on it to put it out
"Y/h what the hell!"
You look at Nash with sadness in your eyes
"Nash I don't want you to die, these things kill you!"
Nash was still furious at you "What makes you say I'm gonna die from it?"
Tear well up in your eyes
"Nash please, I don't want you to die, I already lost my uncle because he smoked, and I don't want to lose you"
Those beautiful blue eyes of his soon begin to tear up "Im sorry, y/n, I'll stop"
You give him a slight smile as he pulls you into a hug
He gets close to your ear and whispers
"Your a life saver"
So yes this imagine is against smoking because I am against smoking, I actually lost my grandma from lung cancer and I want to spread awareness to let people know of the risks of smoking.

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