Putting down your bow, you took the sword calmly way too calmly looking at the blade before readying yourself eyes focused on Jarvis to see if he was ready.

He was fidgeting while looking at you. He was a great swordsman, but when you were angry you were better. The last time you two fought while you were angry, he ended up a diagonal scar across his stomach. He remembered perfectly, you both were practicing and being the annoying loud mouth he was got you a little too pissed off. 

"Are you ready?" you asked Jarvis taking your stance. "No, not really" He replied taking his stance as well.

"Too bad" You say as you swung your blade towards him not giving him a heads up that the match had started. He was quick to reflect it knowing that you were out to get him. He pushed against your sword in order for you to back off of him.  You pushed backed, giving him a taste on how angry you were about this. Jarvis finally was able to get you off of him, swinging his blade once he was freely able to move. You moved back avoiding the tip of his blade, lunging forward seeing a spot open by his right shoulder. You swing towards his shoulder making duck down quickly. You were able to slice a bit of his shirt above his shoulder blade. He got back up ready to thrust his sword, but you were faster. You swung your sword making him block in return.

That was all you needed.

You two were blocking each other again, you look down at his feet seeing a chance the you were hoping to get. You move your left foot forward behind his leg, pushing yourself forward making him trip over your foot. He fell back landing on his back and his sword falling out of his hand.


"Ugh In the name of Hylia could at least try not to leave some bruises!"

"That was the whole point of this match idiot."

"Whatever I'm going back inside before you actually try to kill me."

Jarvis got up grabbing the practice sword and snatching the one you had in your hand with a little aggression. You smirk knowing that you had hurt his pride. In the moment of your victory, there was something that you'd remembered to ask him.

"Oh there something you forgot to tell me. Where am I delivering the ore?"

"I didn't tell you already?"

"No you didn't."

"Oh, well you're delivering them at Ordon Village. Have you been there before?" Jarvis asked walking back to the storage. You trailed him to get the information you needed from him.

"No, I don't think I have..." You say in thought trying to remember if you've been there or not. "...I've heard little about the place."

"Well Ordon Village is in the southern part of Hyrule in Ordona Province."

"So that's where I'll be going" You said to yourself.

You both had already made it to the storage. Jarvis put the swords back making his way out of the storage with you waiting outside.

" I'm going to go back inside, you go do what you were doing before I got here." Jarvis said leaving you by yourself. You made your way a back to the shooting range that Jarvis made to get back to your archery training.

This time for sure you were going to get your 10 bullseye streak.


You were proud of yourself, that was for sure. Your archery skill has improved tremendously just over one day. You ought to call yourself an master bowmen.

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