Part 8

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(Bella's POV)
I decided I need to visit Edward since he wasn't answering any of my messages like he would usually so i am going to see what's up with that. I made sure my outfit was sexy. I need his attention to be on me and me only.
I pull up to the house and I see my sisters car there which is weird. I park and get out fixing my outfit. I walk up the steps and knock. I wait a couple of seconds before just entering. As I get in the house I see Edward holding up my sisters wrist and everyone's frozen.

"What's going on?" I ask look at Edward. He looks at me and is about to say something when my sister grabs something and speeds through the front door.

" Dammit you let her go, nice job Edward" Emmett says smacking him upside the head. Did they not see me come in?

"It wasn't my fault I got distract, why didn't you run after her" Edward says defending himself. Okay, now I am completely confused.

"Hello?" I say making myself known. They all turn and look at me

"Bella.. now isn't the time" carlise says pinching the bridge of his nose. Wait, what did I do?

"We we're finally getting somewhere and of course she has to come and ruin it"Rosalie says glaring In my direction

"What did I do?" I ask trying my best to look defenseless so they feel bad. But that doesn't happen.

" Bella just go home" esme says . When has she told me to go home . I look at all of them. They look at me  glaring so I scoff and leave. I will be back.
(Graces POV)
I start driving home when I think about my actions. I have never been this rude before. Omg I lashed out on Sam. I was really rude to the cullens and they just wanted me to understand them. I start crying this isn't who I am. I'm going to make things right starting with sam and the others.

I arrive at sams house and start to wipe away my tears. I get out of the car and walk to the front door. Well here goes nothing. I'm about to knock when Sam opens the door. We make eye contact and I realize how worn down he looks and it's all my fault I start to cry. Sam brings me in a hug,

"Shh it's okay your here now, I didn't think you would come back" Sam says as he let's some tears out as well

"Yeah right, like I can ever stay away from you Sammy" I say as I pull out of the hug. We both start laughing .

"I'm sorry Sam for how I acted that wasn't like me, I just did know what was wrong ,but I completely understand if you don't want to talk to me ever again, tell the others I'm sorry" I say as I start to walk away until I felt a hand on my wrist I look up at Sam.

"We don't want you to leave, please" Sam says looking at me with pleading eyes. I nod and smile at him and we hug once more. We stayed like that for a while until we heard a noise in the house.

"Oh, right the others are here" sam says scratching the back of his neck blushing. I laugh.

"Your so cute Sammy" I say smiling

"Would you like to come in my lady" Sam asks with a fake british accent. I giggle.

"Of course my good sir" I say with my fake Britsh accent. He grands my hand and take us in the house while we are laughing at each other

"GRACE!!" Seth says running up to me and puts me in a big hug. I tap his shoulder motion I can't breathe. He breaks the hug apart "sorry"

Sooner or later they each give me hugs and we talk and hangout like normal. Emily made lunch but of course I made up some excuse that I didn't need to eat. After that we hung out some more until I realized had one more place to go to.

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