Part 4

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(Grace POV)
Me and Rosalie are laughing right now because she said something funny. I have been in her room for 30 minutes now and we have been doing our project but talking and making jokes as well. Esme comes in the room.

"Just checking into you girls, are you hungry?" Esme ask as she looks at us. I look at Rosalie who looks at me

"I'm not hungry" I say. But I haven't ate in two days.

"Me neither" Rosalie says smiling at esme. I can't help but smile when she smiles.

"Okay, if you need anything just ask" esme says as she closes the door

I get a text message from Theo but I just flip my phone over and decide to wait till later to answer.

"Who is that?" Rosalie ask looking at my phone then back at me

"Oh, that's just Theo" I blush as I say his name

"Do you like him?" Rosalie ask she looks kinda sad but still smiles

"We are just friends, I only met him today but he is so nice and sweet" I say hiding my face from embarrassment

"Is that the guy who's lap you were sitting on at lunch?" Rosalie asks. I think she is getting mad or something. Wait does she like him

"I'm sorry" I say. Omg I didn't know she liked him. Now this is gunna be weird

"Sorry for what?" She asks in confusion

"I didn't know you liked him" I say kinda low but not to low she won't hear me

Rosalie bursts out in laughter. I look at her confused. Does she not like him? Or maybe they are just friends or something.

"I'm sorry, I don't like him or ever will" Rosalie says in giggles. I just laugh in embarrassment and hide my red face

"Oh, I just thought that you did" I say avoiding looking her in the eye. We go silent for a minute and I look up at her and she is staring at me and I get lost in her eyes

"It looks like we are done with the project, do you want to hang out until you have to leave?" Rosalie asks kind of hopeful. It's like she wants me to say yes

"I don't want to be a burden or anything" I say looking down. I feel two fingers lift up my chin so I look in her eyes

"You can never be a burden" Rosalie says looking at me dead in my eyes. I nod and blush. She moves forward but then my phone dings. It's Theo again

"Can I use your bathroom?" I ask shyly

"Yeah" Rosalie says. So I go to the bathroom in her room

(Rosalies POV)
As soon as grace goes into the bathroom I zoom into the living pacing.

"We need to get rid of that Theo guy" I say anger coming to me

"Can't she just be ours already, I don't like her having random guys phone numbers" Emmett says trying to calm me down

"Who does he think he is" Edward says pacing

"First he has her on his lap at lunch, now he is texting her constantly" I say getting more mad when calmness comes over me. I give jasper a nod and sit down

" He did what?" Carlise says now getting mad but keeping calm

"I think we should keep tabs on him" Edward says still pacing. When Alice gets a vision. We wait until she is done.

"What is it?" Esme ask sitting on carlises lap

"He is going to ask her out and she says yes" Alice says in a whisper but we can still hear her

"No" everyone but Alice says. Then we hear someone coming downstairs. We look to see grace smiling at us.

(Third POV)
Grace comes downstairs and smiles at everyone but her smile turns to a frown when she see everyone looks mad.

"I'm sorry am I interrupting i-I can leave" grace says nervously

"No sweetie your fine" esme says. Thinking of ways she can stop her from saying yes to date another boy.

Maybe we should tell her what we are so we can claim her today so we don't have to suffer. Carlise thinks.

Edward looks at carlise and gives him a nod meaning they should.

"Comes sit, we have something to tell you" carlise says to grace who just nods and sits down nervously looking at her feet

They explain everything to her. How she is there mate and how the cullens are vampires. They explain how each of them changed and what they eat. When they are done they look at Grace who is still looking at her feet.

" Grace" Edward says looking the girl who still hasn't moved

Grace doesn't hear him calling her name. She goes numb. Everything she has known about the world is a lie. My existence is a lie. She thinks

"Your existence isn't a lie" Edward says still looking at her

"Grace please say something" Alice says nervous she might loose her

Grace stands up. She looks at everyone. She realizes why there skin is ice cold, why they are so pale. But being mates to all of them is too much. Not because she doesn't want to but because they deserve someone better .

"I should go home" grace said while making her way to the front door

"Please don't leave, we need you here" Alice says as she gets in front of grace looking in her eyes

Everyone is sad grace wants to leave,but they won't let her leave. They all go in front of her.

"Why do you want to leave are you scared of us?"  Edward asks while waiting for her response

Grace looks at them then says " I'm not scared of you guys"

"Then why are you leaving?" Rosalie asks confused

"Because..." grace says trailing off not wanting them to feel bad for her

"You can't leave until you tell us" esme says her arms crossed

"It's just to much to handle right now, this is a lot of information. How am I supposed to be your mates when I don't even love myself. I just need time, not a lot but enough" grace says avoiding contact with everyone

Everyone looks at each other trying to figure out if they should or not. Esme understands so she is willing to give her time. Carlise wants nothing more than to hold her in his arms but is willing to give her time. Edward agrees with them. Jasper also agrees. Alice and Rosalie are hesitant but moves out of they along with everyone else.

Grace sees they move and hurry's our the door and into her car. She drives to her house crying.

(Grace POV)
I know they probably are sad but I'm glad they gave me time to process. She needs to talk to Bella. Bella always used to help her in her time of need as children.
I arrive home and I don't see Bella's truck there, but I see dads car. I go in the house and see dad on the couch watching a game.

" hey dad" I say trying to wipe my tears so he doesn't see

"Hey sport" Dad says his eyes still on the tv

"Do you know where Bella is?" I ask still by the door waiting anxiously

"She is visiting Jacob right now" Dad says still watching the game

"Do you have an address?" I ask

1254 words

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