Ch.3 Jenny's feelings

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Emily’s P.O.V
I just opened the door, and everyone shouted, “happy birthday Emily.” Why do I keep forgetting that it’s my birthday? I saw my aunt Anastasia and her daughter Ava but I don’t see Alex I also see her husband, uncle Tony but Alex is not here he’s basically the only cousin, I have my age but there’s that girl that looks just like him and she’s taller than me with a couple of inches. Ave is 18 just like Mary. I will ask about Alex later I missed my aunt a lot I haven’t seen her since forever.

I run and hug aunt Anastasia I missed her so much she would call us from time to time but seeing her in person was different. I hug her and she in exchange squeezes me hard.

“Look how beautiful you are, you sure make a lovely girl.”

I blush and look at her with a smile then pull away. Next, I hug Ava and try to squeeze her, but I can’t she always wins. Then the last person I can’t be rude this must be Alex no doubt I don’t care why he looks so much like a girl or why he’s wearing like a girl, Alex is Alex I even knew him before Jenny. I walk to the girl hoping I won’t make a fool out of myself. “Alex, that’s you?”

She smiles and nodding then she shook her head. What the hell does that mean? “I am Alex, but I am not at the same time.”
She’s acting smart now. Not with me, I know Alex’s sense of humor we spoke a lot but last year, well let’s say me and mom wasn’t ourselves we were struggling to get over dad’s death, and moving on was the hardest part. So I stopped talking to everyone until recently.

Suddenly Ava slaps her on the back of her head, “stop teasing Emily, Emily my sister is trying to act smart she had gone through transformation smoothly thanks to aunt Anna and she just woke up from a coma last week, now her name is Alice.”

Ok now I get it but really Alex I mean Alice had gone through the same thing as me, mom owns me a lot of explanation.

“Not fair,” Alice pouts and looks at Mary, “Mary, please help me I am your favorite cosine right, please Ava likes to destroy my jokes.”

Cousins, how? I mean Alice and Ava are my cousins, aunt Anastasia is my dad’s only sister some people really own me some explanation here, but I will let it slides it’s my birthday after all.

“You’re my favorite cousins, no offense Ava but you know I really like Alice, however,” Mary says and walks over to me her hand on my shoulder and pulls me closer, “Emily is my sister so I will take her side.”

We all laugh until uncle Tony stands up from his place, I used to be scared of him I mean come on his body was bigger than my dad’s but he was always gentle and even funny sometimes.

“Emily, you hugged everyone, but you forgot about your uncle, you’re my niece you know,” he’s still kind just like I remember him, I went and give him a hug and he hugged me back.

“I missed you all,” I said smiling, then looked back at Jenny, I can see she felt kinda left out I went to her bulled her hand to introduce her to everyone.

“Everyone this is Jennifer, my friend since grade school,” Jennifer smiled shyly, “Jennifer, this Ava and Alice my cousins,” I pointed at both of them while introducing them, “that’s my aunt Anastasia and uncle, Tony is her husband.”

“And my uncle,” Mary said.
I looked at her surprised a bit I didn’t know that uncle Tony is her uncle how can it be. Mary saw my look and started to laugh, “let me explain, uncle Tony here is mom’s big brother I didn’t even know that aunt Anastasia is your aunt until they came to see you in the hospital, it means that Ava and Alice are both our cousins, ” Mary explained and I felt relief someone was finally explaining something here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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