Part 23

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Part 23: Zara's POV

*3 months later*

Its changed. I still have ally. Corbyn wanted to be in my life but I pushed him away. Not really knowing what I felt anymore. Jack is just a jerk. I don't know what happened to him or if hes always been that way without me knowing. People dont talk to me much anymore but they dont insult me either. I fell down the social ladder just as Ashley said. And shes queen again with jack by her side. Corbyn is just up there.

I look at Corbyn during lunch. We havent talked or been civil since before I knew about the bet. He even told there was a bet yet I didnt even try and figure out what it was. He let jack fake win the bet even though he completed half of the bet unlike jack did.

"Ya know prom is 1 month away then the next week is graduation I dont know what your waiting for. You've been staring at him for the past two months." Ally says eating her fries. I glare at her.

"Oh yeah I'm totally gonna when I wont have a date. and I dont like Corbyn or anything like that if that's what your implying." I say.

"Hunny you can come with me. I wont have a date unless captain of the Baseball team, Blake asks me out. Which wont happen. And you definetly still sorta like Corbyn. He did agree to the bet. But Z, he might have changed. You never even gave him a chance to explain himself." Ally says.

"Fine I'll go. But I dont care if Corbyn changed his mind about the bet. If agreed to it." I say.

"ZARA! GET OFF YOUR ASS! WHERE IS THE OLD ZARA! WHO OVERTOOK THAT DUMBASS ASHLEY! WHO GOT WHAT SHE WANTED! AND DIDNT MOPE AROUND!" Ally basically screams at me causing people to look at us, including Corbyn, Ashley, and Jack.

"That died along with my pride when Ashley made that post or maybe with me watching that video." I say bored.

"If you dont get off your ass and do soemthing about this I will kill you. With my own two hands." She says threatenly.

"Hunny you couldnt kill a bear much less me. Now ally. Theres no way I'm ever getting back to the top with less than two months left of highschool." I say and she sighs and continues eating her fries.

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